Browsing: Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture

Hopping into Easter: Easter basket ideas

As spring fills the air, Easter approaches with spiritual reflections and joyful celebration, Easter eggs, and festive gatherings. People look forward to many different things, but most people love the joy they feel when they receive an Easter basket.

Arts & Culture

Saint Leo has spoken: Favorite female artists

Females have been a driving force in the art scene for all of history. Whether it be through literature, music, television, painting, or other mediums, women project their thoughts, feelings, and voices through art forms that only they can create.

Arts & Culture

What to do for spring break at Saint Leo

If you’re staying at Saint Leo University over spring break, you don’t want to be stuck in your dorm room all week long. There are so many places around campus that you can go that are exciting, and you will have a blast.

Arts & Culture

Winding down after midterms 

As midterm exams end, many students feel drained, stressed, and in need of serious relaxation.After days or even weeks of intense studying, test-taking, and sleepless nights, it is essential to prioritize self-care and find ways to wind down and rejuvenate.

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