Arts & Culture

Dredge Review

Dredge is a Lovecraftian/horror game that uses fishing and item management and is centered around five islands, each with their unique fish, environment, mysteries, and problems.

Arts & Culture

A walk-through Dade City

Entering Dade City, sunny skies, fresh flowers, unique finds, friendly faces, and holiday traditions make it feel like home. You will find yourself wandering down the streets of many coffee shops, boutiques, and delicious restaurants.


Book Review: Party School

With a novel full of mystery, Jonathan Hart sheds light on personal identity in high school and college students. Party School is a story that many college students may find relatable.

Arts & Culture

Celebrating national Starbucks day

September 29 marks the special occurrence of national Starbucks day for coffee lovers all around the world! From the cozy ambiance to the diverse menu, Starbucks has earned a place in the hearts of many.

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