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World News


On October 20, 2012, Progressive Black Men, Inc. held a presentation on how to “Dress for Success.” Although the title of the presentation was “Dress for Success,” the message was that it takes more than just looking the part in order to be successful. Walkens “Ken” Lallemand, President of Progressive Black Men, Inc. introduced Mr. Reggie Hill, Director of Recruitment, as guest speaker. Hill told the crowd that in order to be successful, one must do more than what an average person would do. Hill outlined four major rules that he noticed that successful people following, and says that he leads his life around them and if one desires success, these rules should be your starting point.

World News

First Thursdays Event in Downtown Dade City

As a part of an initiative to bring Saint Leo to Dade City and the community of Dade City to Saint Leo First Thursdays was created to show students what Dade City has to offer. There has been discussion over making street signs with the name Lion Country of Field of Pride to integrate Saint Leo into Dade City. Saint Leo students are being encouraged to explore Dade City more and the community is being encouraged to come to public speaker series on campus and athletic events.

World News

Uncertain Future for Libya following Gadhafi’s Death

Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, better known as Muammar Gadhafi, the ousted dictator of Libya, was killed in a violent gun battle between the National Transition Council of Libya and supporters of the fallen regime. Gadhafi’s death brought an end to a forty-year reign of oppression and terror, and ushered in unprecedented rejoicing throughout the nation of Libya.

World News

Getting pre-“Occupy”ed: The art of the 21st century protest

As a college student, the tradition dictates that I should be broke beyond all measures of sanity and reasonability, and I certainly am. I make a salary that is firmly planted in the single digits, as this is all that’s really available to me, given my age and status as a full-time college student. When I graduate, I will likely end up for a time among what the New York Times cites as the 25% of Humanities majors who find themselves unemployed, or even potentially among those 29.4% who have found themselves working a job they could have held without obtaining a degree, which will undoubtedly leave me questioning my decision to attend a university at all. My student loans are many and only grow the longer I stay in school. My future, in short, is debt-ridden and uncertain.

World News

The Occupy Movement: A Look at the Discontent of America

The opening line of the declaration reads as follows, and in some ways, says it all: “As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.”

World News

Not Just Snakes

Every year in October, Dade City’s annual Rattlesnake Festival takes place. This year, the festivities were as grand and unique as ever, boasting food, vendors, and entertainment.

World News

Early-Voting Shuffle Could Push Republican Primaries into December

The Florida Republican Party has decided that they will move their 2012 presidential primary on Jan. 31 ahead of the Iowa primary, which is traditionally one of the first in the nation. This was followed up by Nevada declaring their primary for Jan. 14, as well as South Carolina rescheduling for Jan. 21, throwing the Republican Party into complete disarray.

World News

Florida’s Driving Under The Influence Laws: An Eye For An Eye

Ten years ago, 24 year old University Of West Florida senior Eric Smallridge left a bar where he had been watching a favorite band with some friends. Smallridge was drinking beer, but like other times, he did a self-sobriety field test by standing on one leg and putting his index finger on his nose and felt he was sober enough to drive. While driving home, a white car in the right lane that was ending cut into his lane. Smallridge swerved his truck into the left lane in order to avoid a collision with the white car, but ended up hitting another car in which two college girls were riding. Their car spun out of control and hit a tree. The impact killed the girls.

World News

I Drank, Drove, Killed, & WE LOST!

On Thursday evening, September 29, 2011, placed on top of a trailer outside the Student Activities Building, was what used to be a Mazda 626. Renee Napier is the mother of Meagan Napier, who along with her best friend Lisa Jo Dickson, was killed in the Mazda by drunk driver Eric Small-ridge. Napier tows the Mazda from school to school and has made it her mission to raise awareness of the danger of driving under the influence of alcohol, and to promote forgiveness and healing.

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