The Thing About Rocks

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Since late 2016, an increasingly popular “game” has been taking place throughout Pasco County. At first glance, the object of said game might seem too simple and even a tad juvenile: painting rocks and hiding them throughout the community for others to find.

What started as a simple arts and crafts project has become a countywide phenomenon and has garnered thousands of active participants, children and adults alike. However, there are those who are still hesitant to get in on the game. Some fail to see the appeal of painting a bunch of rocks and the activity’s benefits for both their community and themselves.

Strange as it may seem, painting rocks and participating in the “East Pasco Rocks” movement promotes good health. Art is a creative, stimulating, and relaxing outlet for people of all ages. The methodical repetition associated with painting relaxes the body while keeping the mind sharp and active. The brain is able to stay focused and strong while the body is at rest.

Then, after the relaxing painting process, the act of hiding the rocks and seeking out others serves as a fun means of physical exercise. This activity involves a great deal of walking, running, and for the truly daring, climbing. Most children get exercise on a daily basis, playing outdoors with friends or participating in sports at school; but most teens and adults need strong motivation to get up, out, and active. Nothing is more motivating than the challenge of finding and collecting certain rocks, especially when some are redeemable for prizes.

The act of painting the rocks is also an exercise in another sense. The crafty project is a great bonding exercise for both friends and family. Parents and their children grow closer by creating masterpieces together and the experience gives parents the chance to impart some new skills upon their kids. The activity keeps entire families engaged while giving each member more face-time and direct contact with one another, as opposed to television or videogames, which takes focus away from one another. It also allows parents and children to spend more time together while the kids are out of school.

For friends looking for a reason to get together, “Painting Parties” or the popular East Pasco “Rock Swap” make for great spots for social events. Painting together gives friends more opportunities to see one another and provides them with yet another interest to bond over. They’re a great way to make some new friends as well.

Painted rocks make great gifts for friends, or even for absolute strangers. A work of art that you create, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, can make someone’s day. Many of the rocks hidden depict characters, images, or patterns that people recognize and love. These rocks become found treasures that the finders will always cherish. They are also a great way to send a little positivity someone’s way. An uplifting or inspiring message can turn a person’s frown upside down. The smallest things can change a person’s life, including one’s own.

The rock-painting phenomenon is a great opportunity for one to explore and express hidden talents. Creating these pieces of art, especially ones that are recognized and loved by many, can make you brim with confidence, pride, and satisfaction. It’s a remarkable feeling knowing that your art is making a difference in not only a single person’s life, but to a community as a whole.

A few strategically placed painted rocks add a little local color to the community. Each rock says to those who pass by its hiding place that this is a friendly town filled with bright and talented people. That ours is a close-knit community that comes together in both bad times and good in order to make a difference.

Every town in every state, every city in every country can always use a little more color. The next time you see a rock, pick it up, take it home, clean it off, and think. Think long and hard about what you want to say or illustrate with this little piece of your community. Then, when you are ready, paint.

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