God’s Not Dead


By Brianna Brinker, Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered what the phrase “God’s not dead” means? Dr. Rice Broocks, author of the book “God’s Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty,” and Dr. Eric Hedin, professor of physics at the University of Washington, came to Saint Leo University to discuss with students and faculty what their book entails and the true evidence demonstrating that God is not dead.

Broocks and Hedin have traveled to over 40 nations to talk to colleges about the existence of God. The event was hosted on Feb. 27 in the SCC Boardroom open to all students, faculty, and the community.

The event featured Broocks and Hedin presenting compelling evidence supporting the existence of God to the audience. They showed videos containing interviews with atheists, debunking their arguments, displayed pictures of some of the audiences they spoke to, along with quotes and statistics affirming that our universe was created by God. Additionally, they addressed any questions from the audience. 

Broocks and Hedin discussed four reasons why they believe God is alive, which correspond to chapters in Broocks’ book. 

Firstly, they talked about the beginning, stating that God created the world. Despite other ideas like the “big bang,” they stressed that everything that starts must have a cause. 

Hedin also pointed out the precise conditions necessary for life on Earth, suggesting that it seems designed for humans to live. He mentioned that if we just had a tiny bit more gravity than we do now, there would be no life on earth. 

Hedin said, “it’s like someone knew we were coming.”

The second point they made was that life was no accident, reiterating their first point. They emphasized that Earth was specifically crafted to sustain human life—providing a place for walking, breathing, and living. They argued that the universe itself was intentionally created to support life.

The third point they made was that good and evil are not illusions. They explained that both exist in the world. 

For instance, in the movie “God’s Not Dead,” a professor’s anger at God stemmed from losing his mother at a young age. Many people today also struggle with belief because of the evil they see. However, they clarified that God didn’t create evil. He’s good, all-knowing, and loving. He gave humans free will to choose whether to accept Him. The evil in the world comes from human choices and their consequences.

The fourth and final reason, Jesus and the Resurrection, Broocks and Lawrence remarked that ‘He is who He said He was,’ emphasizing that God’s voice is always consistent. 

They stressed that God does not judge us, regardless of how distant we may feel from Him. Broocks cited from the Bible that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, designed to have a relationship with our creator.

The Gods Not Dead event was a huge, inspirational and impactful event for many people.

“One thing I took away from the event was the idea of evil and how it is something that we choose to do,” said Liliet Gonzalez Perera, a sophomore majoring in computer science. “Because we have free will, we can stay away from evil and understand the importance of doing good, which comes from believing in God.”

Broocks and Hedin were respectful in expressing their beliefs. It wasn’t a debate; rather, they wanted to share the good news because they genuinely care. They are committed to traveling the world to spread God’s love.

To conclude the event, Broocks led a prayer with the audience, and everyone received a complimentary copy of the book “God’s Not Dead” before heading home.

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