A Minute on the Lips, Forever on the Hips



Obesity has become a rising concern in recent years. It affects anyone with poor dietary habits and a lack of physical exercise. Overweightness and obesity can cause many future health complications, which is why it is important to learn how to take care of oneself.

So then what constitutes as obese or overweight? Both of these terms refer to when one’s body weight greatly outnumbers one’s height. This is referred to as the body mass index or BMI. You can find a simple equation to calculate your BMI and what weight you should be at or you can google the chart that tells you. Either way, knowing your BMI and what parameters your body in particular should be in is a great tool in keeping track of your health.

Some of the health complications that arise from poor health due to obesity are coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers according to nutrition.gov.

There are many other factors to weight as opposed to just poor dietary habits. Family history, environment, genetics and metabolism. Despite the fact that you can’t change some things like genetics, other factors such as eating habits and lifestyle choices can be changed.

The damages of obesity are not only physical but mental as well.

“People can lose self-esteem, isolate themselves, and even face depression,” says Patti Dempsey, the school’s licensed practical nurse.

The older we get, the more we are held responsible for our choices – whatever they may be. No one is going to tell you not to eat the extra slice of pizza or the last piece of chocolate cake. Being able to set healthy standards for yourself as you grow is critical for a healthy life. Sometimes having a partner or including your family in your quest for health is a great way to make sure you have a support system. Making healthier food choices, controlling portion size, being active, and reducing screen time are some of the suggestions on nutrition.gov.

“Reduce screen time. Limit the use of TVs, computers, DVDs, and videogames because they limit time for physical activity. Health experts recommend 2 hours or less a day of screen time that’s not work or homework related,” says nutrition.gov. This can be the most difficult for students who get most of their entertainment online.

Stressful times, such as midterms and finals, can cause overeating. However, prevention isn’t impossible and comes in a few different ways.

“Getting lots of sleep and making sure you manage your time right is really important. Meal preparation can be a great way to make sure you don’t end up overeating, too. Because students are always on-the-go, it’s so easy to just grab a bag of chips or a candy bar. Keeping healthier snacks around can be a major help when trying to avoid stress eating,” says senior student worker Mary Grace Salinas.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be difficult, especially when everyone lives such busy lives. However, making a small conscious effort to make healthy choices can have a greater positive effect in one’s life overall.

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