Introducing Leona: Saint Leo’s New Chatbot
On September 6, Saint Leo University launched their newest program—a chatbot named Leona—as an alternative way of interacting and communicating with students on campus.
On September 6, Saint Leo University launched their newest program—a chatbot named Leona—as an alternative way of interacting and communicating with students on campus.
National Arts and Humanities Month is an annual celebration held every October that celebrates the different kinds of arts. Those arts include writing, painting, dancing, and many other unique forms of expressing creativity. One of these forms of creativity is theatre, a performance art where characters, played by actors, perform in front of a live audience. Saint Leo University is home to a chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, better known as the National Theatre Honor Society.
Saint Leo University celebrated community, family, the future, and the accomplishments of the university’s many distinguished alumni during the Homecoming 2022 weekend. Notably, however, the morning of October 22 opened with the Presidential Brunch and presentation of the ’21 and ’22 Alumni Awards.
Every day at Saint Leo University, students can be seen on their way to class with their essentials: their backpacks, phones, and a cup of coffee to start the day off right. At the beginning of October, we celebrated International Coffee Day. Since then, people from all over the world have celebrated by enjoying the popular beverage and sharing it on social media.
October 10 is Worldwide Mental Health Day and Saint Leo University did their best to help their students. With midterms approaching and the semester in full swing, Saint Leo made sure that their students had time to take a step away from all the hustle and bustle that comes along with being college students.
On September 25, in a press release, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency in all 67 counties and activated the State Emergency Operations Center at level one.
When Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray was published at the end of the nineteenth century, it caused an uproar amongst society.
October is ADHD Awareness Month, and some Saint Leo University faculty and students shared their perspectives on the disorder to help educate the community. Continue reading to learn more about this condition and how you can help those who have it!
The month of October is all about being spooky. However, nothing says “Halloween” quite like candy! The Lions’ Pride Media Group was curious as to what Halloween candy students liked the most—so, they went around campus and asked!
The parking lot closures, noisy construction, and office transplants of Spring 2022 paved the way for the triumphant completion of Saint Leo University’s most recent remodeling project—the Marion Bowman Activities Center.