Arts & Culture

Dorm friendly treats

With the holidays coming up, having a few dorm friendly recipes may come in handy for Saint Leo students that do not have access to a fully loaded kitchen.


Tips on how to give great Christmas gifts

Christmas is not about giving presents; it is a holiday of love. The giving and receiving of presents is solely used as an expression of this love. Therefore, presents should be personal and creative. Many people have left Christmas shopping until the last minute, when items may become costly and time seems brief.

Campus News

Second address to Freshmen

Phew! One semester down, one more to go until the freshman class can say it has survived the first year at Saint Leo University! This first semester has been full of so many new and exciting experiences.


Getting naked at the airport

As the busy holiday season approaches for Saint Leo student body and faculty, there are a few things you might not want to forget: your cell phone charger, your flight information, and your constitutional rights.

Arts & Culture

Dissecting Kanye West: Insanity through Genius

In 2004, Kanye West burst onto the hip hop scene with his debut album, The College Dropout. Since then, his relationship with the media and society has been tumultuous at best. But somehow this producer, rapper, and singer has managed to become one of the best selling and easily the most recognized member of the twenty-first century hip hop culture.


A brief cramming guide for late bloomers

Exams are around the corner and many students have not started studying. Cramming is not the most reliable way to pass an exam or to get an A, however, it has worked to some students’ advantage. Below are six steps to assure that students get a satisfactory result from their cram sessions.

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