The Types of Exams You Will Take in College.


By Kelanie Cuadrado, Staff Writer 

Want to know how to spot an exam-taking student? Here’s a tip: go to the student union or local coffeehouse, find the darkest corner surrounded by the most empty cups and bags of chips, and look for the person in sweatpants and flip flops who may or may not be crying. Exams are one of the hardest parts of college because there are just so many of them. Here are a few of the standard tests you might happen upon in your college years:  

The “We learned that?” Exam. There will always be the exam that makes you wonder when your teacher talked about the material in class. You didn’t hear it or you didn’t see it to your knowledge. How are you supposed to answer the essay question? It could be a footnote in a Medieval history textbook or a passing comment from your British Literature professor – either way, you have no idea what this question means or what it is asking you to do. At all. Even if you did know what it was asking, there’s no way you could have remember this obscure info, right?  

 “I like to do funny things to help me remember, like sing a song or draw funny pictures with the definition.” Said Kyra Cuadrado 

Then there is the “You Want Me to do what in 45 Minutes?” Exam.  This type of exam can give students a major headache, if only for the fact that they are supposed to fill out 50 multiple choice questions, three sections of true/false and matching, translate a paragraph into Latin, and write an essay on the theory of relativity in the course of one class period. Because professors aren’t here to be nice, right? 

The “No Matter How Much You Studied, You Still Don’t Know This” Exam.  There will always be exams that were obviously designed to make us weep. But have no fear, you’re not alone. There’s always next semester! (Speaking from experience here people), it’s not the end. You study so hard and you still cannot figure out the meaning of the question.  

The Online Exam. The exam that makes your heart beat faster than normal. You are trying to take the exam online, but the only thing you can think of is if the Wi-Fi goes off, everything will be gone. 

At last the Final Exams. There is a place where happiness and all forms of slumber go to die – it is a dark, tear-dampened place, dim and awful and strewn across libraries everywhere. Its name…is finals week. Most finals are more trying than any of the exams you’ve taken all semester. Some even seem to combine all of the previous types of tests into one giant pile of “WHY?!” It’s pure evil, I say. Think happy thoughts. Drink lots of coffee. Eat a cookie. Hug a puppy. Break is right around the corner – you’ll be okay 

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