Living Like a True Lion


Adjusting to campus life can be challenging considering being new to the university and also being a stranger to an independent lifestyle. Managing class time and study hours while maintaining a social life on your own means learning how to manage one’s time is crucial in an environment that demands such maturity.

However difficult or overwhelming it may seem at first, there are ways of alleviating some of the stress that comes with being a college student. Living comfortably in your residence hall is one of the most important factors of having a fun and successful career at Saint Leo University.

Although being away from family and friends seems tough to start, living in a healthy and comfortable space is attainable, especially with the help of new friends and Saint Leo’s Resident Assistant staff.

“Living in the dorms keeps you close to your friends and classes. It makes being around for events and getting around campus a lot easier”, said Lou Cafiero, a returning sophomore of Saint Leo.

After socializing with roommates or even neighbors you will soon realize that you are not the only one who feels uncertain or alone. When you join Saint Leo University, you are no longer alone, because you become a part of the family and the Resident Assistants do their best to ensure that we all are comfortable in our living quarters. The Resident Assistants of Saint Leo are always planning events that are fun and beneficial for you and they are only a doorbell away. Some events hosted by Kevin Sullivan, the Resident Assistant of Apartment 4 during the summer, were “Pizza & Game Night” and “Popcorn-a-thon.”

Resident Assistants are also available in the event you are unsatisfied with your living space. In the event a student is having an issue with a roommate or there is a problem with the room i.e. troubles with roommate, damages to the rooms, etc.) students are encouraged to notify an RA who will then follow through with series of actions to rectify the situation in a timely manner. Their mission is to see to it that each of their residents are satisfied with their halls. This includes tending to resident’s needs, whether they be for a social event or personal issues.

Overall, Saint Leo strives to provide each of its on campus students with a very warming and inviting experience from the classroom to the residence halls. In each resident hall facility there is an area designated for academic study as well as an area for recreational activities with friends. This is because Saint Leo is not merely a school, but also a home.

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