Israel Deserves More Credit for Its Humanitarian Aid: A Letter to the Editor


By: Anne Schulten, Volunteer Writer

Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world being only as big as New Jersey, so why does it give so much? Since its founding only 70 years ago, Israel has been one of the most humanitarian countries in the world. Israel’s humanitarian aid is not talked about much as the news only seems to focus on the constant and ongoing problems in the area rather than the solutions that Israel has produced for the world.  Giving credit where credit is due is just the right thing to do.  Israel deserves to be recognized for its hard work in helping other countries around the world, and that includes the United States.

Israel has given humanitarian aid to us countless times. Whether it be for Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Hurricane Harvey in Texas, or the wildfires that destroyed southern California, Israel has come to America’s aid numerous times.  After Hurricane Maria, IsrAid, an Israel-based international non-governmental organization, came to Puerto Rico’s aid to help assist them in their rebuilding efforts. IsrAid’s main mission is to support people affected by the humanitarian crisis by partnering with local communities around the world to provide urgent aid, assist in recovery, and reduce the risk of future disasters.  It is one of the many organizations that Israel has cultivated to make it one of the most humanitarian countries in the world.  Save a Child’s Heart is another way Israel gives humanitarian aid to other countries as well.  Through Save a Child’s Heart, Israel gives thousands of children life-saving surgeries that they would not be able to have due to their country’s developing status.  This organization is an Israeli based international non-profit organization with the goal of improving the quality of pediatric cardiac care for children in developing countries.

Save a Child’s Heart works both inside and outside of Israel to help developing countries in times of crisis.  This organization to date has saved more than 5,100 children that were in need of cardiac care.  Save a Child’s Heart has traveled to Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan, and countless other countries on mission trips to help children specifically with heart problems.  It even chooses to help children and their families from anti-Israel countries.  This organization gives hope to many children who have the unfortunate problem of being born into a country that cannot afford to bring western medicine to them.  Save a Child’s Heart brings western medicine to children who would not have been able to get this care would it not have been possible without them.  For example, the population of Ethiopia is over 100 million and the number of free cardiac clinics is only one.  This organization brings hope to countless children around the world with its humanitarian aid.

Having been to Israel and seen how this organization works firsthand, I know for a fact that Israel truly is one of the most humanitarian countries in the world. Israel deserves more credit than it deserves.  Through these two organizations alone, Israel is bettering the world even though it is a very small country.


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