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Campus News

Advantages of the SLU Online MBA Program

I am more than half way through my online MBA program at SLU and I must admit I love the program. Before deciding to obtain an MBA, I did a lot of research, visited universities, and even read books such as; Ahead of the Curve: Two Years at Harvard Business School, by Philip Delves Broughton. I originally decided to obtain my MBA from SLU mainly because of the accreditation, the convenience of visiting the professors since I live close to campus, and the flexibility the online program offers.

Campus News

Saint Leo Honors Strong Ties with Military

Saint Leo University plays a major in helping soldiers by offering distance learning and online classes to military personnel around the United States. The university honored these soldiers, as well as veterans, active service members, and military families, in a Veterans Day ceremony on Friday, November 11, in the Greenfelder-Denlinger boardrooms.

Campus News

Consideration on Campus

Everyone walks to and from places on campus and is affected by commuters. Everyone has to deal with noisy surroundings while trying to focus. Everyone has to do laundry at some point, or has an item come up missing. Everyone has to deal with community bathrooms. Everyone eats in the cafeteria. Everyone complains about all of the above, but no one does anything about it.

Campus News

The Facts for a Stress Free Finals Week

Saint Leo University’s scheduled Fall final exam week is from Tuesday December 6 until Friday December 9, 2011, which leaves ample time of over a three week period for students to get prepared mentally and physically for a ‘stress free finals week’.

Campus News

New Mobile App Brings The Lions’ Pride to the iPhone

The Lions’ Pride Newspaper has continued their push into the new media front with the launch of a mobile application for the iPhone. Working with Diligent Media, a small start-up company in Tampa, FL, the newspaper is now available through the free Uextra app.

Campus News

When Sweatpants Attack

As every year upholds Saint Leo University has once again seen a new wave of dress style. Every year students try their own personal flair to begin the year off right. However, as midterms and finals show up, it is seen that students turn to their beloved sweatpants in their last hope of comfort before the big test. This year has spared no shock value and as we expand our range of students, so does the sense of style expand to trends that some eyes thought they would never see. This year, however, has been somewhat of a turnaround as students started the year off in their comfortable old sweatpants.

Campus News

Saint Leo Cheer Competition

Saint Leo Cheerleading has come a very long way from what it has been over the past few years. Not only does the Saint Leo cheerleading squad attend every conference game for all sports teams, but they also practice up to three times a week and are in the fitness center working out and conditioning up to two times a week. This does not include when the cheerleaders go on their own time. Along with all these practices and conditioning, the members of the squad are preparing to compete in 2012. Yes, it is official. Saint Leo cheerleaders are going to compete this coming year, from March 31 to April 1 in Spirit Cheer’s: All American Nationals in the all girls’ non-tumbling division. This competition is a two day competition at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando, Florida involving many other competitive cheerleading teams.

Campus News

Saint Leo fundraisers: Is bigger better?

As the saying goes, bigger is better. With fundraisers, however, is this the case? Students have recently heard about fundraisers like Make a Wish, Rent-A-Tau, Tomato Toss, Penny Wars, A Walk to Remember, Cake in a Jar, Penguin Hair Salon, Pay to Pie, Children’s Hospital and No Shave November.

Campus News

Study Abroad Opportunities for St. Leo Students

For those who want to gain that critical career advantage in the stand for facing the competitive job market which awaits graduation, whilst in the process delve into diverse cultural knowledge, increased confidence levels, independence and much, much more, then look no further.

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