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Arts & Culture

Thoughts of Community on Celebrating Black History Month

Feb. 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month. During this time, many African American heroes are remembered for their achievements and legacies. The celebration began early when it dedicated a memorial to the first Black student that attended the University on Martin Luther King Day. Students and staff express their thoughts on the month.

Arts & Culture

Songs of the People

On Monday, Feb. 4, Lea Morris took her audience from the island Jamaica to the Antebellum South to the Civil Rights Protests of the 1960s.

Arts & Culture

Equal Rights Landslide: England’s March toward equality in marriage

Last week lawmakers in the British Parliaments’ House of Commons overwhelmingly passed a bill in support of same sex marriages. In a landslide of 400 for and 175 against, the bill passed and is now awaiting the approval of the House of Lords the second house in British parliament. The bill proposed by the Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron meet with opposition form his own party, with 136 of his constituents opposing the bill, 127 for it, and 35 abstain. But despite The divided Conservative party, the Labour Party and Liberal Democrat vote brought the high majority which was more than ample for the bill to pass.

Arts & Culture

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, as the day of love draws nearer, questions such as, who you’re going to be spending it with? , what plans you will be making? are questions that will occupy your mind.

Arts & Culture


Comedy, drama, stars, mental illness, dancing, break-ups, hook-ups, football, the Silver Linings Playbook has this all and more! This is a movie about finding the best things in life, no matter how torn up inside one becomes; there is always a silver lining for that person to discover.

Arts & Culture

A Place Without Happiness

After years of doing hard labor in prison, would you feel that you deserved some happiness once you were free? In a country that is taken over by revolution, the people ultimately suffer. Les Miserables tells a story of these people in 19th century France. “The Miserable Ones” is more than just a title; it is a message of values in the face of survival.

Arts & Culture

A Place Without Happiness

After years of doing hard labor in prison, would you feel that you deserved some happiness once you were free? In a country that is taken over by revolution, the people ultimately suffer. Les Miserables tells a story of these people in 19th century France.

Arts & Culture

Military Film Series

The Military Film Series is a one month tradition celebrating the University’s 40 year relationship with the military. The University has been catering to military families through education and outreach for four decades.

Arts & Culture

Undeclared Fair

On Tuesday, Oct. 30, the University held an Undeclared Fair for students to get a better perspective on majors and minors that they might want to pursue. For some students, this is their first time interacting with professors from different departments. Many incoming students come in with either an undeclared major or find that the major that they previously selected is no longer an interest for them. The undeclared fair is a good opportunity for students to see some options that will stimulate their drive to graduate with a degree in an area that captures their attention.

Arts & Culture

The Culture of Greetings: US and Ghana in Question.

Greetings, undoubtedly, is a morally acceptable mode of showing love, compassion, affection, oneness, respect and peace with one another in the world. In this article, a critical attention is paid to the concept of greetings in two countries, namely the U.S. and Ghana. Interestingly, both countries adore greetings in their own cultural image. A critical analysis of the mode and appreciation of greetings to the people in their unique cultural context and the cross-cultural integration between the two countries is essential.

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