By Satyne Doner, Contributing Writer
For many, poetry serves as more than just an outlet for self-expression. It becomes a realm of creativity, a way to express thoughts and emotions that would otherwise be unvoiced. For Sigma Tau Delta (English Honors Society) and Saint Leo’s Creative Writing specialization, writing can also be a form of bonding and building a community of like-minded individuals.
On March 8th, Sigma Tau Delta hosted their first Open Mic Event via Zoom. This event was led by Sigma Tau Delta President Camryn Williams and Professors Gianna Russo, Anne Barngrover, and Patrick Crerand of Saint Leo’s Creative Writing department.
Students from all majors and backgrounds were invited to share poetry or excerpts from short stories.
“I was drawn to this event because I love hearing others’ work, and I wanted to be around such great writers,” said Sarah Gilley, a sophomore at Saint Leo majoring in English with a specialization in professional writing. Sarah shared her short poem, The Bruises.
During the event, students were asked if they thought creative writing was an effective form of self-expression. Steven Richardson, a senior in cybersecurity at Saint Leo said: “I wholeheartedly believe that it is.” Steven shared his short story, Dear Honey, I’m Home, with the event participants. Community is one of Saint Leo’s Core Values. The University strives to create a sense of belonging in body and spirit. This event is an example of putting that vision into practice. Not only were students inspired to share their creative work, but they were also encouraged to join Sigma Tau Delta. As a bonus, the Open Mic event served as an informational session highlighting Saint Leo’s creative writing classes, minors, and specialization.
“We wanted to create an opportunity for students to share their creative writing with the SLU community,” said Gianna Russo, assistant professor of English and Creative Writing. “We also hope to let students know about Sigma Tau Delta and our creative writing classes.”
If you are interested in joining Sigma Tau Delta, you may contact Dr. Allyson Marino, associate professor of English: (352)-588-662. You can also find Sigma Tau Delta on Instagram: @stleosigmatd. Lastly, if you would like to share a piece of poetry or prose, keep your eyes peeled. Sigma Tau Delta hopes for more Open Mics in the future!