By Emily Hernandez Dominguez, Campus News Editor
In a nation founded on democratic principles, the extraordinary power of each citizen’s voice is evident. A fundamental aspect of democracy is empowering the people to make decisions and choose the officials who will represent them.
To raise awareness, National Voter Registration Day, a nonpartisan civic holiday, was established to celebrate our democracy and the right to vote.
Saint Leo University celebrated the holiday on September 19, 2023, by setting up a voter registration table under the Kirk Hall breezeway. This provided students with the opportunity to register to vote, verify their registration status, or seek answers to their questions while walking to and from class.
The event was jointly organized by the social work department and the nonpartisan Why Vote? Campaign. Their primary objectives were to register as many students, faculty, and staff as possible, educate them on the significance of voting, and address any inquiries related to the election process.
At the table, Kara Pinder, a social work senior and the co-captain of the Why Vote? Campaign, was guiding interested students on how to verify their voter registration while providing them with educational information.

Pinder was approached by professor Christina Cazanave, the director of internship and instructor for the undergraduate social work program, to join the campaign.
“She knows I’m really into policy and politics because I want to learn more about American politics,” Pinder says.
Pinder is an international student from the Bahamas. While she is unable to vote in U.S. elections, being a Florida permanent resident, she dedicates her time and energy to encouraging others to exercise their voting rights.
Pinder explains why she joined the campaign: “It’s very different. Back home it’s run under a monarchy and over here it’s democratic. Seeing how different laws are put into place really draws me to it.”
In addition to Pinder, Bianca Navarro, Vot-ER’s field director, and Reed Garnett, Vot-ER’s Florida regional organizer, came from West Palm Beach to support the efforts of the organization.
Navarro has been a part of the organization for two years, and Garnett has been apart for a year and a half.
“I’m first generation Cuban-American, so when my parents came over, what they instilled in me was the power of voting,” Navarro said. “The second I was eligible to get registered to vote, they did not waste time.”
Similarly, Garnett explains, “I grew up seeing my parents taking me to the ballot box and seeing them vote. So that was really instilled in me.”
Both of them recognize that not everyone receives these values from their parents, so they are committed to sharing this message with both present and future young voters.
Volunteers, including fellow co-captain Yvenie Desrosiers and Cazanave, joined Navarro and Garnett in engaging with students about voter registration, both at the table and inside classrooms. Throughout the day, professors signed up to have a presentation about the organization and its registration efforts shown in their classes.
The organization emphasizes the significance of young people not only registering to vote but also actively participating in the election by going to the polls on Election Day.
“The older generation have certain things stuck in their head, and they don’t really want to stray away from that,” Pinder explains. “The younger generation has more of a say of how to move the country forward and not backward.”
National Voter Registration Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it is a call to action, an opportunity for individuals to make a difference, and a reminder that democracy thrives when citizens actively participate. To check your voter registration, text “VOTE LIONS” to 34444.
“The power is really in your hands,” Navarro stresses. “It’s all in your hands, truly.”