Career Planning’s Big Move on Campus!

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Video Credit to Ilouisa Salazar

Career Planning has moved from Saint Ed’s to Student Activity Building, second floor.

Career Planning was in Saint Ed’s for roughly four years. The area was cramped and out of the way. With their new location in the Student Activity Building they are able to get more people in their offices because it’s in the middle of campus, everyone can find it.

Career Planning has set up their new space, to be a very relaxing and a very student-ordinated environment.

“I enjoy all the natural lighting in this new space.” Said Robert Liddell the director of Career Planning. “Saint Ed’s was so far away from everything and we just needed more space. Now that were here in SAB we have a bigger conference room and in Saint Ed’s it was just very cramped.”

The computer lab that the LRC had is still in the room, so students can still use the printers, “we here in career services would love for students to still use this space as a study space and be the new hangout” Liddell explained.

With the new space, Career Planning, is now going to start offering new programs that the students can get involved in such as the Student Advisory board that Assistant Director of Career Planning, Matthew Battista, is the head of the student advisory board. Which is an effort to include and influence the students.

“Students get to learn about our goals and work with our professional staff to develop programs, to inform, improve, and inspire personal best performance” said Liddell.

“I am just so excited about this new space for the students, and be the new hangout. We are not resume police. We like to get involved and get to know the students.” Agreed Batista.

Career Planning tries to make students aware that the earlier they come in the better. They are able to get to know students better, and help them build resumes, meet people and make connections. Liddell tries to make it clear that Career Planning is just not for seniors,

“we try to get to know the students better. We hosted a Kick Start which was a kick ball game at the beginning of the semester right before classes started.”

Career Planning is making it a point to be seen on campus. They will start holding workshops, for building resumes and getting more connections, every Monday and Thursday from three to four every week. Career Planning will be hosting an Open House Sept.9 from 5 to 7. The open house is to show off their new space and to just help get to know people better.

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