Author The Lions' Pride Newspaper
The Lions' Pride is a student-run news organization dedicated to sharing the voice of our Saint Leo community. Our mission is to uphold the Benedictine values, support First Amendment rights, and provide informative and thought-provoking journalism without fear of interference or reprisal.
Rogue One: A New Hope for Star Wars
By Stephen Skipper A long time ago, in theaters far away, one single movie changed…
Fraud May be Lurking Around the Corner
By Randawnique Coakley In light of the most recent Wells Fargo scandal, the subject of…
Finland Reform Education System
By Niclas Bez Finland is about to reform their education system drastically. Finland has been…
Drones – From Warzone to Emergency Help
By Rafal Matuszczak On Oct. 6, Verizon announced that the company began testing drones as…
The Struggles of Going Back to School
By Kiersten Finch Going back to school after a long winter break is a challenge…
Should Social Media Influence Your Future Job?
By Kiersten Finch Social media has become a major aspect of our everyday lives. We…
One Saint Leo Music Student’s Journey
By Olivia Callahan Plato once said that “Musical training is a more potent instrument than…
Saint Leo Comes Together
By: Olivia Callahan Saint Leo University goes out of its way to provide the core…
How Sweet the Sound
By: Kadyann Stupart With students and faculty returning from the break, the Saint Leo campus…