Marvel vs DC Character Development


The never-ending debate rages on: who has the better comic book characters? Can Marvel Comics really be better than DC Comics? Or is DC the reigning champion in the comic book war?

As with most things, the truth obviously lies somewhere in the middle. So, while the discussion will continue as long as the two comic titans dominate the industry, perhaps it is time to draw a line in the proverbial sand.

IGN, a well-respected source of information on comics, has painstakingly ranked the top 100 greatest comic book heroes and villains of all time.

DC Comics has a clear advantage in terms of villains. Of the 100 villains listed, exactly half of them fall under the DC flag. While Marvel is close, with 44 villains, that six villain difference could be the entire rogue’s gallery, the list of villains for a single mid-level hero. As for the six villains that remain, they are all part of the non-Marvel/DC contingent, and this shows a glaring weakness with the “independent” comic book publishers.

While DC may have more villains, hero development is where Marvel thrives. 42 of the top 100 comic book heroes are from Marvel Comics, easily taking the top spot over the 36 from DC Comics. The independent publishers have a better showing here, taking 22 spots in the top 100 listing.

This still leaves room for debate, however. It is interesting to note that while DC had more villains listed, Marvel’s Magneto claimed the number one ranking. Also, even though Marvel outnumbered DC on the heroes list, it was the DC hero Superman that took the top spot.

So who really is better? Should it be quality over quantity or vice versa?

An examination of the top 10 of each list shows equal heroes for both Marvel and DC, but Marvel takes control of the villains list, with six of the top 10.

To have a definitive “winner,” how about looking at the top five? DC controls the hero’s top five, with three out of the five including the top two, Superman and Batman. Then again, Marvel holds onto the villains top five, three out of five there.

It is refreshing to see that it is not an “all-boys club,” as Wonder Woman is ranked the fifth greatest hero and 15 total women make the heroes’ list, along with 10 women making the villain’s list, including Dark Phoenix at number 9.

Once again it comes down to preference. What does any one person like more than the other?

The trick to it is to enjoy both if possible.

According to, “DC’s roster is full of nothing but god-like characters.”

Since Marvel Comics’ heroes are more human, and thus relatable, they a good break from the DC heroes.

Looking for good villains to root against, or to see what will happen next? Marvel may be good, but there is nothing quite like the maniacal laughter that comes from The Joker.

So read on, comic book fans! Enjoy the works of the writers and artists that make all these comic book characters some of the most iconic figures from fiction.

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