Kicking the College Cold


Fall officially started Sept. 22, so that means the weather changes to where it can drop down to 60 or 70 degrees or raise to 90 degrees because we live in Florida. When the weather starts going up and down that usually means it’s cold season. Sadly, there isn’t a cure for the cold, but this article will give you some tips on how to deal with a cold being in school.

The best way to beat the cold is to stay in bed and rest as much as you can; this might be a favorite because who doesn’t want an excuse to stay in bed. Staying in bed helps you regain your energy and helps your immune system get rid of all the nasty germs in your body. However, staying in bed all day does not mean staying up until midnight, binging on Netflix. The point of staying in bed is for you to rest, which means going to bed at a decent time to catch up on sleep to help your body get better.

Flu shots are one of many ways that prevent contracting the flu, other preventative measures include but are not limited to taking vitamins regularly and washing hands.

 Drinking fluids and staying hydrated is one thing every student rarely keeps up and doesn’t remember. Drinking water helps with congestion and prevents headaches and dehydration. So, drinking water will help flush out anything bad in your body as well. When fighting a cold, some people gargle saltwater occasionally, which helps to soothe a sore throat. Just like drinking water, gargling salt water also aids with congestion, however, this only works temporarily. Also, avoid drinking any sugary drinks because they will not help you at all.

One thing that is helpful for both you and everyone else is to not go to class. Although no one wants to miss class because the lost class time does add up, you won’t end up getting everyone else sick. Not only are you risking your own health wasting the energy you barely have to go to class, but you risk everyone else’s health as well. Just email your professor to let them know you won’t be in class and get in touch with classmates to help you catch up on what you missed.

The best way to avoid a cold, is to get your flu shot. Getting your flu shot will help you avoid getting sick, so while everyone else is getting sick, you will get through the semester healthy and strong.

These might not be all of the ways to help you fight a cold, but they are just some examples that will help you. College is stressful no matter what year you are in, but everyone needs to remember one thing: always make time to take care of yourself because your health is always important.

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