By Sophia Sullivan, Editorials Editor
Picture this – you find the perfect holiday gift for a loved one. You’ve looked for weeks, scouring the internet, calling stores, and you find it. You get to the checkout, pull out your card, and—you realize you spent the last of your savings on dinner last night.
Unfortunately, scenarios such as these become a reality for many college students. Let’s face it—they’re notoriously broke. Expenses pile up around this time of year.
“Common expenses this time of year can be health related due to it being cold and flu season. For students it can be school related, unexpected costs for school material such as replacing a computer,” said Bernadine Collier, student financial support manager at Saint Leo University.
Budgeting is vital for students. It is extremely important to be conscious of where your money tends to go, so that you can be prepared for the future, especially now.
“Inflation has become a hot topic,” said Collier. In the United States, inflation has been on the rise, leading to higher costs of things like groceries and gas.
“Make a list of what you are spending your money on. You will be surprised how all the little things add up. Eliminate the unnecessary,” said Collier. “Whatever extra money you get, put it away for when you have those unexpected life moments.”

If you are really worried about gifts, there are many DIY presents available that could help save some cash. Hot chocolate mugs, hand-made crafts, personalized cards, or baked goods are a great way to go.

However, while it is customary to buy gifts for family and friends, it is certainly not the most important part of the holiday season. This is a time to be with the people you love, to share good food, and to create special moments.
“Spending time with your family and friends creates lasting memories,” said Collier. “No amount of money spent on a gift that will eventually sit in a drawer or on a closet shelf can compare.”
Handmade gifts can be just as, if not more meaningful to give to your friends and family. Remember: be wise with how you save and spend your money, but don’t let expenses get in the way of what truly matters: the memories and the moments with the people you love.