How to Maintain Your Health as a College Student


By Lauren Felts, Advertisement Manager

With college comes the stress of many things, including finding ways to stay healthy. As a student, it can be especially challenging to not only get active and stay healthy, but to maintain it as a lifestyle. As a new student, adjustments can be difficult, and health may not be the number one priority. Here are a few tips that may help students regain their focus when it comes to their health.

Firstly, health is not a one-concept method. When focusing on one’s health as a priority and as a lifestyle, there is not one specific attribute to focus on that will change one’s life. There are many attributes that contribute to a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, diet, and balance.

According to Brandy Pollicita, instructor of health and wellness at Saint Leo University, “maintaining a healthy lifestyle looks different than initiating one.”

Being healthy is not just about eating clean and working out 24/7. It is about taking care of yourself by listening to your body. This includes mental health as well. During finals week, make time to relax and decompress. Or as an athlete, it is important to prioritize recovery. Make time to get a massage or take an Epsom salt bath. When stressed, put the phone down or put any other distractions away and get rest. Understanding the body’s cues for when to work and when to slow down are both vital to maintaining one’s health.

 Secondly, it is important to do research and to know that ‘healthy’ looks different for everyone. Find solid sourcing with science-backed information to know what is best to do. Do not rely on social media or influencers to provide yourself with good information. Utilize your time to be aware of what works effectively and what does not.

A huge example of this is ‘dieting’ or diet culture. There are many diets out there that do not work and are ineffective. Most commonly, these diets are only temporary fixes. Going on a diet should not be a three-week, six-week, or ten-year solution. In order to stay healthy, it is vital to always attempt eating clean regardless of the situation. However, that does not mean indulgences are excluded forever—it just means to moderate it and track it. Balance is key.

By understanding what is good for your body, it will become much easier to know when to eat, how much to eat, and what to eat. Get a good source of protein, healthy fats, and carbs for each meal. Reduce cravings by not eating late at night or snacking too much on junk. Most importantly, stay away from sugar as much as possible.

Thirdly, it is crucial to make a plan. After gathering all of the information needed in order to understand how to stay healthy, create a goal, or a S.M.A.R.T. goal as Pollicita suggests, to help keep focused. SMART stands for a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

Ask questions to make sure you understand your goal and can realistically achieve it. Strategize to make sure that sticking to the goal is challenging, yet possible at the same time. Do not let obstacles or excuses get in the way of your success.

Lastly, gather a strong support system, Pollicita advises. Having people around you that are there to help you succeed in your life is crucial to maintaining your goals and increasing the results from them.

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The Lions' Pride is a student-run news organization dedicated to sharing the voice of our Saint Leo community. Our mission is to uphold the Benedictine values, support First Amendment rights, and provide informative and thought-provoking journalism without fear of interference or reprisal.

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