From tears to triumph: navigating homesickness as a new college student


By Brooke Brinker, Staff Writer

It is perfectly normal to feel homesick at the beginning of college. It can be scary when you are at home your whole life, and suddenly, a huge change happens.

But it is okay to feel those emotions of sadness and being overwhelmed. There are plenty of ways to overcome the feeling of homesickness and navigate through the year.  

There are fascinating events that Saint Leo CAB sets up, especially at the beginning of the year, such as bingo (with great prizes), making friendship bracelets, and even rollerblading. In those events, freshmen or new students can feel welcomed, comfortable, and create a collection of memories.

Tamar Olguin Alzate, a junior majoring in clinical psychology, said, “For me, Truth Seekers Bible Study and Government Union are organizations that got me more involved and helped me to productively occupy my time instead of being homesick.”    

While exploring the campus, meeting new people, and joining clubs can be effective strategies for alleviating homesickness, it is important to recognize that homesickness can be particularly challenging from a mental health perspective.

Go around the school, and find study spots around campus, to make your campus feel like home. (Photo was taken by Brooke Brinker)
There are diverse places where you can study such as Tapia, Kirk, or even outside on a picnic table. (Photo was taken by Brooke Brinker)
If you want to talk to a professional, you can go upstairs in the wellness center to the ministry department, where they will welcome you and help with your needs. (Photo was taken by Brooke Brinker)
Decorate your room with pieces from home and make it your own happy space. (Photo was taken by Brooke Brinker)
To overcome the feeling of homesickness, a recommendation would be to go check out the clinic in the wellness center. (Photo was taken by Brooke Brinker)

Dr. Tammy Zacchilli, who is a professor in SLU’s psychology department, said, “If homesickness is impacting your daily functioning, please reach out to Counseling Services. They are an excellent resource and can offer other suggestions for coping with homesickness.”

The Wellness Center has a clinic, on the first floor, with a great staff composed of skilled nurses, who are available to assist you through this challenging time. On the second floor, there is the ministry center, where you can use a dedicated space to engage in confidential conversations with experienced advisors.

Always remember not to feel anxious about your situation, and do not compare your beginning journey at Saint Leo to other new students. It takes time to get used to a big change in your life, and all those current feelings will not be forever. It is best to keep in mind that this stage of big, overwhelming, change is only temporary.

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The Lions' Pride is a student-run news organization dedicated to sharing the voice of our Saint Leo community. Our mission is to uphold the Benedictine values, support First Amendment rights, and provide informative and thought-provoking journalism without fear of interference or reprisal.

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