The legacy of Senator John McCain is shown through his dedication to country that extended beyond party lines. McCain was willing to have a seat the table and engage in meaninful discussion for the betterment of all Americans.
Credit: @obamafoundation
Senator John McCain died Aug. 25, 2018, at 4:28 MST, surrounded by his closest family and friends
The 81-year old veteran had been embroiled in a long battle with brain cancer. In an interview with 60 minutes McCain said, “I am more energetic and engaged as a result of this [disease]because I know that I’ve got to do everything I can do to serve this country while I can.” His service to the country was invaluable as he saw beyond party lines much to the behest of his contemporaries. The Republicans’ ideas of who Sen. McCain was, meant little to him as doing what was right, was more important than doing the right thing by his party. This type of attitude dubbed Senator McCain, “The Maverick.”
In a scolding address to the Senate, McCain reprimanded the members of the Senate saying, “We are getting nothing done.” To many his remarks and actions were blasphemous in nature, however he understood that he was a man full with gratitude for the platform he was able to stand on . In 1967 while on active duty in a Vietnam bombing mission Sen. McCain was shot down tortured and held as a Prisoner of War (P.O.W). When his captors learned of his lineage, (being the son of an American Admiral-John McCain Sr.) they offered to set him free but Sen. McCain refused to leave before those who were caught before could be released. McCain remained in custody for five years before his release, which was a strong platform for him to stand on when running for Congress.
Throughout his tenure, he supported his Republican counterparts in most of their endeavors, however refused to support blindly any action that would be harmful to the American people. One such point of contention was the repeal and replace of The Affordable Care Act also known as, Obamacare. Although he supported the repeal of the Act, the replacement proffered by his colleagues was not enough, in his opinion, to replace the protection presently available for the people in Arizona. McCain’s stance solicited harsh criticism as the Senator mustered up the strength, despite his affliction, to vote No to the new Act proposed.
The contemptuous act solicited the criticism of the now sitting President of The United States, Donald Trump. Despite the criticism by the Commander in Chief, McCain did not respond in kind, he continued to keep his head held high.
As he saw death drawing nigh, McCain made several of his final wills known one of which was to be eulogized by both Former President Barack Obama and George W. Bush. The request that was made directly by McCain to the Democratic President Obama came in April 2018 and showcases the level of civility and bipartisanship practiced by the late senator.