By Lester Williams Jr, Contributing Writer
How Did the Saint Leo Men’s Basketball Team Fight and Claim Victory Over Lynn?
On Feb. 23, 2020 the Saint Leo University Men’s basketball team faced off against Lynn University in a game with fast plays, quick thinking, and last-minute counters which all lead to another victory under Saint Leo’s belt.
From start to finish, the Saint Leo Lions were on the offense, always going full force to score points, even at the risking of being knocked down. With the amount of heart displayed by the players, it’s no wonder they came close to 100 points.

Saint Leo Men’s Basketball Team Meeting with Assistant Coach Ryan Hamm.
This game wasn’t just a celebration for the players on the court or the fans in attendance, the men’s basketball team also paid their respect to their six graduating seniors who were acknowledged before the game began. This act of recognition helped encourage the team as a whole to give it their all, stick to their principles, and make sure everyone contributed in some way.
The men’s team weren’t the only shining stars that performed, the Saint Leo pep squad also always worked hard to keep the spirits of both the audience and the players high. Besides captivating the audience with their cheer routines, they also took the time to honor members of their team halfway through the game for their accomplishments.

The Senior Graduates with Head Coach Lance Randall.
Although Saint Leo won, nobody could deny both teams fought hard from beginning to end, even when players on either side got knocked down, most of the time they got right back up and back into action, showing that they’re committed to their team, Saint Leo, and themselves as athletes.
Of all the people present during the game, nobody showed more passion than Head Coach Lance Randall who was ready to step in when he saw fit to make sure the game was played fair and Assistant Coach Ryan Hamm who was able to seamlessly adapt to leading the men’s team when the time called for it.

Saint Leo Lion Going for a Free Throw Following a Foul Play.
As if this victory wasn’t already sweet enough with the Saint Leo’s men’s team having a massive celebration afterward, the audience also got a treat by getting the chance to buy some Girl Scout Cookies to support the Girl Scouts organization.
These cookies weren’t just a delicious delight, but according to they also help ‘the next generation of young female entrepreneurs get an important taste of what it takes to be successful’ Which shows there wasn’t just teamwork being used on the court during or after the men’s game.
Final Score Board | |||
Period 1
Period 2 | Totals | |
Lynn University | 44
38 | 82 |
Saint Leo University | 47
52 | 99 |