Girl Takeover: Henderson Hall
For the freshman on Saint Leo University’s campus, you may think Henderson hall was predominantly all girls and Benoit hall was for all guys. In this circumstance you would be wrong.
For the freshman on Saint Leo University’s campus, you may think Henderson hall was predominantly all girls and Benoit hall was for all guys. In this circumstance you would be wrong.
Nearly two years ago, Rutgers freshmen Tyler Clementi committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge after his roommate outed him on the internet by broadcasting his encounter with another man on the Internet for all to see. This sent a blaze in the media and across college campuses about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered students. This affected me greatly as an openly gay student at a Catholic institution. I wondered if this could happen on the Saint Leo University campus.
According to, a prank “is a mildly mischievous act”. The key word here is “mildly”. What could possibly go wrong by committing a little prank? Well as two of our very own freshmen found out, what may sound like fun could land you in jail.
Over the past two years Saint Leo University has made great efforts to have the student body involved in recycling. Recycling bins are provided in the Library and in the Learning Resource Center and classrooms where students use paper the most. Saint Leo also provides students an opportunity to recycle soda cans with their dual waste baskets with one section for recycling and the other for waste materials. In addition to the students being encouraged to recycle, professors are also provided with recycling bins in their offices.
Saint Leo University is reeling today after a huge loss amongst the student body. Steven iPhone, 2, was found dead in a student’s residence this morning after a long night of partying and celebrating the end of a long week of classes. Initially, foul play was not suspected. However, new evidence has been uncovered. Senior Edward Oliva, a witness to the crime, said that the phone’s guardian, Sophomore Dakota Rios, “left the phone in her bedroom all night while she was playing Scene It with her friends. She means well, but it seems like neglect to me.” Others participating in the party could not be reached for comment as of the printing of this issue.
Tuesday, Sep. 11 featured the Student Activities Fair for the 2012 fall semester. For students that were looking to become a part of a club or organization, there were tables upon tables lined up outside the Student Activities Building and the Student Community Center, with members from each club willing to share their opinions on why it would be a good decision to join their organization.
Along with a new semester already underway Saint Leo University students have new classes, new experiences, and of course new professors. Among the many staff members returning to Saint Leo and staff that have recently made this university home, there is a familiar name that will be taking a new position on campus. Dr. David Persky, former assistant of President Dr. Arthur Kirk, has decided to direct his efforts to teaching.
As the New Year has begun, we see familiar faces and some new ones. Saint Leo University plays host every year to many students who have heard about our great University on an international level. This year was no different and the campus had an estimated 150 new international students, and a preliminary 400 total including the distance learning centers and all other centers and programs belonging to Saint Leo.
Recycling can save environmental conditions and help decrease pollution. This is why Saint Leo University takes recycling very seriously.
We have all been there before. We all have been in the noodle section of Wal-Mart trying to stretch those last few dollars on as much as Ramen as possible. There is a way to combat the college budget. Here are five easy tips to make your dollar go further and to start making a better budget for just about anything and everything.