World News

5 New Anime for Fall 2014

The fall season has brought about a new wave of anime for all types of fans, ranging from comedy to horror. And with the holiday breaks coming around, there is a lot of time to catch up on what’s new or binge watch the entire series.

Campus News Outside view of the Saint Leo Abbey Church

The Abbey Cemetery

Walking down the path to the lake or to Apartments 1-4, one might noticed a short wall enclosing a tiny cemetery. Entering the cemetery, there are four raised headstones lined up behind one another. These headstones mark the resting place of the second (Francis Sadlier), third (Marion Bowman), fourth (Fidelis Dunlap), and fifth (Patrick Shelton) Abbots of the Saint Leo University Abbey. The first Abbot, Charles Mohr, was put to rest in the Grotto. Behind the Abbots’ headstones is a crucifix in front of and a small barrier wall. The right side of cemetery is the resting place of monks. The left side is shared with the Nuns and notable people related to the Abbey.

Campus News

The Grotto: Still Influencing Us Today

The Garden of Gethsemane and Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto across State Road 52 takes people into a different atmosphere. The tunnel of trees that light cannot pierce lead the way to what people at the University nickname “The Grotto.” For many years, The Grotto has been used as a place for peace and spiritual refreshment. However, many students of the University go for a different experience: for a night to be scared by the unknown. But it is not just the unknown of the darkness and dense foliage that students are unfamiliar and uninformed with; students, along with many other people who visit The Grotto or affiliated with the University, do not know the true meanings behind the statues and designs, or even why The Grotto exists. Brother Stannis Law, Prior of the Saint Leo Abbey, aids in bringing more of an appreciation for The Grotto by sharing his research and insight about its history.

Campus News

Profile: Karen Hatfield

In 1978, Hatfield was employed as a clerk in the Campus Bookstore. Her starting pay was $2.65 per hour. This was also the year of the first test-tube baby, the prototype of Sony’s first Walkman, and the first online forum.

Campus News A photo of the lion statue at Saint Leo's university campus

Building a Dedicated History

Saint Edward Hall, which is currently the main office space for many faculty and staff members, began its construction in 1926. However, at this time, the hall was not meant to be the office space that it is today; rather, it was to be designed as a dormitory – the first ever at the school – for students. It was completed by the Christmas of that year and cost around $250,000 to complete. Each of the offices used to be living spaces for students, and many offices were once used for other purposes; for example, one office may have been used as a shower, and another as a reception room. A library was also once stationed at what is now known as Trane Stop. In 1940, loudspeakers were placed above the building and were used to broadcast the new campus radio station WLEO.The first time you ever set foot on the University’s main campus, you were probably awestruck by the overall beauty of it; behind all of this, however, the history of the campus remained a mystery to you, the answers lying in wait in the buildings that populate the campus. What did all of these buildings represent? Where did they come from? This article takes a look at several buildings currently and previously on campus and explores some of their origins and histories.

Arts & Culture

Cosplaying for a Lesser Amount

Cosplay is an interesting cultural phenomenon that has become increasingly prevalent over the past decade. For those who do not know, Cosplay is the act of dressing up as a fictional character for personal enjoyment. Many people are interested in this hobby, but are put off by its apparent expense. There are, however, numerous ways to make a budget Cosplay that still looks fantastic.

World News

Amendment 2: Voting on Medical Marijuana

The amendment, if passed, will allow for the use of medical marijuana for “individuals with debilitating diseases” as determined by licensed Florida physicians. It is important to notice that it does not authorize the use, possession or production of recreational marijuana. Centers that produce and distribute medical marijuana will be registered and regulated by the Department of Health, who will give identification cards to eligible patients and caregivers.

World News

Fall Beauty and Fragrances

Bright colors have been washed away with the summer’s rain, and now that we are in fall it’s time to change up your makeup routine and as well as your choice of fragrances. Put your bright pinks and pastel colors in the drawer and bring out all your rich, dark shadows and lipsticks.


Hit By Love – Dee Dee Cooper

Have you ever been abused in a relationship, whether it was physical or verbal? If so, you are one of 32 million people who are abused every day. Before you go to bed tonight, 3 women will be murdered. 22 percent of college students are affected by abuse. It can happened to anyone; all demographics, all social statuses, and all races. Dee Dee Cooper, a speaker who visited Saint Leo University on Sept. 29, is a lucky survivor of domestic abuse who will be sharing her story to different colleges to help raise awareness.

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