World News

Forgotten Florida Attractions

Every year people flock to Florida for its’ many attractions, but what about Florida’s attractions of the past? History plays a major role in opening and closing of Florida’s past tourist attractions. There are countless numbers of noteworthy places in Florida to visit that have slipped from scene and only live on in visitor’s memories. Disney World was not the first tourist attraction to draw visitors to the sunshine state, and it won’t be the last it may even follow in path of its predecessors.

Campus News

Class of 2018 brings talent to Saint Leo University

Freshman Lane James “thinks for herself.” By blogging, she hopes to raise awareness on feminism along with other subjects; she hopes for debate. Without her knowledge on the history of suffrage, her passion and inspiration to raise awareness for equality would not be such an impact to others. James has experienced many times when fairness what not present. For example, she was raised much differently from her brother. The expectations for a girl were not raised nearly as high as she had hoped of achieving

Campus News

Weapons allowed on campus are deadly serious.

About 2 months ago at Florida Southern University (FSU) 3 students were injured at a shooting take place in their well-populated library. Concealed weapons have been prohibited on college campuses up until now but this policy may be about to change as the Florida bill is being considered allowing people on a college campus to have concealed weapons for their protection and their rights.

Arts & Culture

The Hobbit 3: Bilbo’s Back In Theatres

Peter Jackson’s previous Hobbit films have been successful, just as his other Tolkien film trilogy, “The Lord of the Rings.” Finally, the last installment of the Tolkien movies has been released to theaters, “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.”

World News

November 24,1988- January 15, 2015

I am sitting in an uncomfortable wooden dinning chair. It doesn’t matter that I am at the hospice off of Clinton Road. It doesn’t matter that I am grieving. Mat is next to me, lying in a hospital bed sleeping. His breathing is despondent. Suck in, breathe out. His skin is a soft shade of canary yellow. Suck in, breathe out. His cat Sequil is lying in-between his legs; his mala beaded necklace that hung around his neck lies limp on his chest. His mother is skimming through pictures on her phone of Mathew. I wait for him to start singing, carry a tune on his lips like he always did, but I know that he cannot sing anymore. I start to sing one of his songs from his band Nameless Grace in my head instead. I’m saying goodbye to Sharon. I’m saying goodbye. I’m saying goodbye. A tear starts to form, but I hold it back. Mat’s mom has made it clear- no crying in front of Mat. So I get up and walk out into the seating area in the main hall. I sit down in one of the worn out blue couches. A brick sits on a counter nearby. It reads: “Name of Veteran Goes Here.”

Arts & Culture

Interstellar: A Journey to New Worlds

The movie genre of science fiction has given us the famous classics like Star Wars and Star Trek. Director Christopher Nolan, takes a shot in this genre with his new movie titled, “Interstellar.”


Ring in the New Year with Style

Remember that outfit you bought while Black Friday shopping, but haven’t worn yet? Well, News Year’s Eve is the night. There is no better way of ringing in the New Year than in sparkles. New Year’s Eve is the best excuse to get dressed up in your most creative outfits as you’re waiting for the clock to strike midnight. New Year’s Eve parties are a celebration, therefore your style should reflect that in order to stand out from the other guests. Your outfit should consist of something glitzy and bold that leaves a lasting impression for the rest of the year.

Arts & Culture

Holidays around the World

Outside of the United States of America, there are many holidays that not widely recognized in this country. All holidays come with their own individual customs and traditions. Many of them celebrate specific age groups and spiritual leaders. The following holidays are some interesting yet little known holidays from around the world.

Arts & Culture

The Monsters That Crawl In the Night

With many mistaking the name for the X-Men character, “Nightcrawler,” directed by Dan Gilroy, still brings much to the cinema world. This movie is an American crime thriller that will have viewers sitting on the edge of their seats.

World News

Sack boy is Back in Little Big Planet 3

“Little Big Planet” has been an exclusive marketed game series for the PlayStation and its newest game to the series is “Little Big Planet 3.” With developing company, Media Molecule, assisting and giving Sumo Digital full development control, the game looks promising to fans of these games.

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