By Holly Little, Contributing Writer
As a commuter, it can be difficult to find ways to get involved on campus. Whether that’s because of time constraints, not knowing what resources are available to you, or not hearing about clubs, commuters can feel left out. So, let’s explore and highlight some ways that show commuting students can still partake in the same activities as on-campus students.
1. Join a club or society.
This can be an amazing way to meet new friends and do something you have a passion for. There are many opportunities to explore, and they will look awesome on your resume. Some academic ones to join are the Entrepreneurship Club, Sports Business Association, Minorities in Hospitality, and Women in Business. Special interest clubs include Esports, Creative Minds, and the K-Pop and Anime clubs. There are multicultural and diversity clubs, as well as honor societies such as Alpha Phi Sigma, Beta Beta Beta, and many more. These can all be found on the Saint Leo Website by following this link:
2. Invite a classmate to join you in studying somewhere on campus.
There are lots of different locations to study around the campus.
“Benedict’s coffeehouse is my favorite place to go, you have the option to sit inside or outside, and you can buy Starbucks coffee here too,” said Skyelar Aguilar, a graduate student in MBA (Master of Business Administration).

Some other popular places are the library, the CAVE (Center for Academic Vision and Excellence), which is in Kirk Hall, and the common area spaces of Donald R. Tapia College of Business.

3. Consider an on-campus job.
Various jobs are offered on campus for both federal and non-federal students. Applications can be found at this link;, where there are vacancies in hospitality, the Athletics Department, the Wellness Center, Student Advising, and more.
4. Carpool with friends or classmates to get to campus.
Not only are you getting to know your classmates better, but you are saving the environment, and probably gas money!
5. Pick up a copy of the student newspaper – Lions’ Pride Newspaper
One of the hardest things about being a commuter is the disconnect from campus life.
“You never really know what’s going on,” said Aidan O’Leary, a junior majoring in sports business.
A perfect way to fix this is to get your hands on one of the students ran newspapers. You’ll find information on what has been going on, what the students at the university think, and what there is to look forward to. This way you’ll know exactly what is going on, and you can even be a part of it!
6. Follow us on social media and go to campus events.
This is another way to know everything that’s going on and stay up to date with any events or on-campus activities. Here are some of the Instagram pages:
- @saintleouniv
- @saintleocab
- @saintleolions
- @saintleostudentactivities
- @saintleodiningservices
- @saintleowellness
7. Take advantage of campus facilities
Did you know there are nap pods on the bottom floor of the library? These are one of the many great resources that Saint Leo has to offer to students who live on and off campus. You can visit Fuz where you’ll find great meals and a range of snacks and drinks. Or spend some time at Wellness Center, a beautiful building with a gym, and an infinity pool! Lastly, the lake is somewhere you must visit. It Is usually quiet during the day, and a peaceful place to sit and read, study, listen to music, or simply relax, and you will not regret going for the sunset.

Getting more involved in campus life is such a good way of immersing yourself in student life. You will make new friends along the way, widen your connections for your future career, and enjoy your time at college in the process. Being a part of some of the things that Saint Leo has to offer is such a great opportunity that no student should miss out on. So, go and follow those Instagram pages, ask your classmates if they’ll join you in the coffeehouse, and check out the incredible campus resources!