New Voting Procedures for the 2020 Presidential Election: Fair or Fraudulent?


By: Tayhana Taylor, Contributing Writer

Americans are anxious, concerned, and on the edge of their seats watching how the 2020 U.S. presidential election will unfold. It is almost the end of the Trump vs. Biden battle and some people are still uncertain whether they will vote at all. The new voting procedures have further discouraged U.S. citizens from voting.

“I think voting in this election is more important than ever; people want to cast their ballot whether in the mail, in person or over the internet […] also, people want to get out and voting gives them a reason to go out,” said Kim Payne, an adjunct professor at Saint Leo University.

Citizens can still choose to vote in-person, but they must continue social distancing, wear a mask, and sanitize. Photo source: (Elijah Nouvelage – Getty Images)

Citizens can still choose to vote in-person, but they must continue social distancing, wear a mask, and sanitize.
Photo source: (Elijah Nouvelage – Getty Images)

This election is one of the most important in our history, “the presidential contest alone will represent perhaps the starkest choice between two competing visions for the nation’s future since the elections of 1860 that set the Union on course for a civil war,” wrote Reid Wilson of in his article titled “On The Trail: Why 2020 is the most important election in our lifetime.

Additionally, it will determine which political administration will lead the United States for the remainder of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The pandemic called for a change in the usual voting protocols. Citizens are urged by the Democratic candidates to participate in online and mail-in voting.

“I think states are being much more proactive by mailing ballot requests to their citizens and that’s important as it makes it a lot easier to not have to vote in person,” said Frank Orlando, the director of Saint Leo’s polling institute and political science instructor.

Orlando’s comments suggest that the advocacy for mail-in voting is perhaps a solution for individuals who want to vote without leaving their homes.

The safety of in-person voting is a prevalent concern this election season. Orlando shared his views on the concern.

Voters stand in queues as they normally would outside polling stations and election workers provide sanitization. Photo source: (Morry Gash-

Voters stand in queues as they normally would outside polling stations and election workers provide sanitization.
Photo source: (Morry Gash-

“If we think about the grocery store and how we socially distance there, the same thing can be easily done at the voting booths in even less time but for people who don’t feel safe doing this, there is the vote by mail option. The important thing is that we have an election that’s rightfully scheduled,” said Orlando.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, voting is scheduled to become more flexible than ever. The flexibility may increase voter-turnouts because people can now vote from the comfort of their own homes, all while making an educated and conscious vote.

“I think these varieties of voting options will bring one of the biggest voter turn-outs ever for this presidential election. It will surprise everyone,” reiterated

Casting a ballot from home has its perks, but there may be concerns for voter fraud and delay in the delivery of votes. A high number of absentee votes at the election can cause “a delay in the tallying,” said Orlando.

Citizens are highly concerned about voting fraud when they should be concerned about following proper mail-in vote procedures. Improperly filled out mail-in vote forms can result in people’s votes recorded as invalid.

Among all other concerns on voting,  is the worry that certain candidates will benefit more from the alterations made to the voting system than others.

Citizens can request a mail-in ballot to be delivered to them in the mail. Photo Source: (Pacific Press)

Citizens can request a mail-in ballot to be delivered to them in the mail.
Photo Source: (Pacific Press)

“The Republicans have more history with voting via mail. However, President Trump has been urging Republicans to not vote through the mail, but the democrats are encouraging their voters to participate in mail-in voting,” Orlando stated.

The democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, urged citizens to “vote, vote, vote, go out early and vote in the mail or in the polling station” during the first 2020 Presidential debate.  Hence, more democrats will be encouraged to send their votes through the mail. This may not necessarily mean the odds are in favor of either party.

Voting is a democratic right;  Conscious voting includes conducting thorough research on the new voting procedures, asking questions, and listening to political expertise.

Citizens must return the ballot sleeves to ensure their votes will be counted as valid rather than a naked ballot. Photo Source: (Jason Redman)

Citizens must return the ballot sleeves to ensure their votes will be counted as valid rather than a naked ballot.
Photo Source: (Jason Redman)

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