Breaking the ice: A freshman’s guide to building a social circle in college


Brianna Brinker, Staff Writer

When starting the first year of college, it can be difficult to search for long-lasting friendships. But Saint Leo University provides a community with diverse people who are looking for true friendships. ​

Friendships can take time to form, since it takes time to know people truly. People are always changing, and it makes it more difficult to fully connect with them.

For instance, in life’s journey, many people will become your friends as a college student, and the people you meet during your freshman year might be completely different by graduation. 

Regardless of the difficulties relating to constructing new relations, there are always ways to make it easier to meet people. Saint Leo offers several events, all around campus, in which students can meet each other and create life-long connections. 

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is a student-led activity board that creates fun events around campus for students. CAB has hosted events such as bingo nights, pool days, painting at sunset, and mini golf.

All these events are filled with people, especially other freshmen students, looking for people they can get to know. To know about CAB’s events, follow @SaintleoCab on Instagram and stay informed about upcoming activities.

By going to a CAB hosted event, you can meet new people and have fun! (Photo was taken by Brianna Brinker)
Check out a CAB event this semester! (Photo was taken by Brianna Brinker)

One of Saint Leo CAB’s slogans is, “Join a club or an organization on campus. They both are good ways to meet new people and have fun around campus.”

Besides the exciting activities all around SLU’s campus, another way to meet people is by checking out the clubs that interest you. If you like to read, join the book club. If you are passionate about Jesus, come to Truth-seekers Bible Study. Joining a club provides an opportunity to meet students with the same passions.

If you’re interested in Greek Life, join one of the campus organizations to bond with the sisters and brothers. Join the ministry if meeting people of the same faith holds interest. Do not be afraid to put oneself out there because other people are looking for new friends, too.

Sophia Michelangelo, a junior majoring in social work, recommends freshman to “Get involved on campus to meet new people. As well as, getting to know your classmates, especially within your major.”  

Another tip is to start with the peers in the classroom. College students go to class every day, and it takes one minute to make a new friend within the class. By saying “hi” and sparking a conversation, it is an opening for a possible friendship. 

Sophomore Lily Glasgow, majoring in nursing, said, “Talk to people on your floor. That is how I met most of my friends. Never be afraid to sit by someone you do not know.”

Do not be afraid to branch out and meet new people! (Photo was taken by Lily Glasgow)
Join a society or a club so you can have friends that share the same interests as you! (Photo was taken from Instagram @slu.prelawsociety)
Go on little adventures with your new friends! (Photo was taken by Brooke Brinker)

Jobs on campus also lead to new relationships. Saint Leo offers many job opportunities like working at the wellness center, helping at the library, or even in the dining hall. Those are all quite common environments to make lifelong friendships along with making the workspace fun.

Even less social students can meet people online. Check out Instagram or Snapchat, find friends through social media, and ask to hang out around campus or grab lunch. Snapchat has a feature where you can add people who are at the same college as you and are graduating the same year. It is very normal to reach out to people through an app.

Dr. Chambers, a Professor of First-year Experience for freshman students, says, “My most important piece of advice is to be yourself. Authentic connections happen when you stay true to who you are, and the right people will appreciate you for it.”

Making new friends as a young adult can be difficult, but there are many ways to reach out. Go around campus and get out of the dorm room. Go for a walk, do homework outside, go watch a baseball game. Adventure out and you will find people everywhere!

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The Lions' Pride is a student-run news organization dedicated to sharing the voice of our Saint Leo community. Our mission is to uphold the Benedictine values, support First Amendment rights, and provide informative and thought-provoking journalism without fear of interference or reprisal.

1 Comment

  1. What a great article to share with college young people to help them and motivate them to see what is around you both thru new friendship and activities that will broaden the young persons life .

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