Browsing: Editorials


Is Being an International Student Worth It?

Many students come from their home country to the United States in hopes of investing in a better education that they believe will provide better opportunities. However, is it worth it? Does studying in the U.S. include plenty of advantages, or are there drawbacks to being an international student?


Studying abroad: Worth the investment?

tudying abroad is something so many people dream of, but few achieve. However, at Saint Leo University, the support and guidance students will receive is unmatched. Studying abroad is something everyone could have the chance to do, so if you can, just do it.


Social Media: A Detriment to Mental Health

The use of social media can allow us to connect with others that we may not normally see. However, despite this, social media can also detach us from many things that are going on around us, which can negatively impact our mental health.


Book Review: Party School

With a novel full of mystery, Jonathan Hart sheds light on personal identity in high school and college students. Party School is a story that many college students may find relatable.


Making the most out of your freshman year

While starting college is a new and exciting experience for incoming students, it is natural for them to be concerned about challenging classes, costs, time management, living away from home, meeting new people, and living a different lifestyle.


Ten things I wish I knew as a first-year international student

I am an international student from Scotland studying a sports MBA at Saint Leo University. When I moved to Florida, it was my first time being in the United States, so, unsurprisingly, I had a lot of questions. There were so many cultural shocks and everything was very different, but it was so exciting!

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