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Nestlé draining water from local communities

Drinking bottled water has become the norm of this generation; everyday millions of bottles of water are consumed on a daily basis. But how much do we really know about the water that we drink? Or where it comes from?


Meatless Eats: The Burger

Whether you are a newly-converted vegetarian or just someone who is trying to cut down on the consumption of red meat, a craving for a burger can be difficult to satisfy. Fortunately, there are some quality vegetarian burger recipes within reach.


The Types of Exams You Will Take in College.

Want to know how to spot an exam-taking student? Here’s a tip: go to the student union or local coffeehouse, find the darkest corner surrounded by the most empty cups and bags of chips, and look for the person in sweatpants and flip flops who may or may not be crying. Exams are one of the hardest parts of college because there are just so many of them. Here are a few of the standard tests you might happen upon in your college years:


Things you still have time to do

Late November is about the time when professors start sounding off about how the semester is nearly over. Students are usually too buried in projects and work to realize how quickly the semester is winding down. Then students start to panic because, as most college students quickly realize, the awesomeness of these four years is matched only by how quickly it all goes by. But fear not. You may only have two weeks left to take advantage of the fall semester before you return in January to the barren wasteland known as Winter, but that’s more than enough time make it count. You still have plenty of time for:


Have an Early Christmas

It is early-to-mid October. You hop in your car and drive to a store. Any store will do, as long as you can buy your groceries, a Halloween costume,
and stock up on candy for Trick-or-Treaters. You wander the aisles of the store looking for the items on your shopping list. Suddenly, you near
the section for Halloween, and you spot a familiar, old, bearded man in a red suit with fluffy, white trimming. He’s sitting there on a tin of decorated cookies, smiling at you with rosy cheeks. It’s Santa Claus! Days pass and Halloween dwindles as Christmas takes over. It isn’t even November 1, and
Christmas decorations are already being sold.

Editorials Saint Leo University Apartment 5 and 6 dorms inside view

How to Survive College Dorms

Even though everyone feels grown up in college, in reality, college is a lot like kindergarten. All the kids are thrown together, except this time it is in crowded basement parties and lecture halls as opposed to being thrown together in the playground. Everyone is behind on sleep because some students might decide to party and act like they live in a jungle when one decides it is bed time. Germs are everywhere because some people don’t know how to clean up after themselves. There’s an exposure to new people, places and, of course, illnesses. So, what does one do when one is sick and has to spend all day in their dorm? This may seem like a recipe for inevitable disaster, but hope is not lost. To stay alive and well, here are some ideas to consider.


What are you afraid of?

Everyone has a fear, whether it is monsters, spiders, speaking in public or being around many people at once. Fear is an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, be it real or imagined. Fear also can be described as a feeling of extreme dislike towards certain conditions, objects or situations such as: fear of darkness, fear of ghosts, etc. Don’t be surprised if someone comes up with a rare fear.


Managing your money.

For many students, college is the first time they are in control of the majority of their finances. You might now suddenly be responsible for paying your own bills, working a job that you need to make ends meet, or making the scholarship money you get in August last through December. Unfortunately, these new financial responsibilities come within a context where money is often unusually tight.


Got a midterm coming up?

You’ve got a midterm coming up. You know you need to study, but you want to go to a party that everyone will be at. If you don’t go you will be left out, but if you don’t study you know you will fail the test. Getting yourself to sit down and study can be a little complicated for a college student who loves to party and hang out with friends. Who wants to study after a long day of lectures in classes? You have your favorite show on TV or things to be done on campus. So what do you do? You start to become a procrastinator. You do all the fun things first and wait until the last minute to study.


The Real Deal on Drunk Driving

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, almost every 90 seconds, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash. Drunk driving has begun to become a bigger issue amongst teens. Even though there has been stricter laws, more law enforcement and more education to the public about DUI, people seem to not be getting the message, especially the younger population.

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