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Campus News

Profile: Karen Hatfield

In 1978, Hatfield was employed as a clerk in the Campus Bookstore. Her starting pay was $2.65 per hour. This was also the year of the first test-tube baby, the prototype of Sony’s first Walkman, and the first online forum.

Campus News A photo of the lion statue at Saint Leo's university campus

Building a Dedicated History

Saint Edward Hall, which is currently the main office space for many faculty and staff members, began its construction in 1926. However, at this time, the hall was not meant to be the office space that it is today; rather, it was to be designed as a dormitory – the first ever at the school – for students. It was completed by the Christmas of that year and cost around $250,000 to complete. Each of the offices used to be living spaces for students, and many offices were once used for other purposes; for example, one office may have been used as a shower, and another as a reception room. A library was also once stationed at what is now known as Trane Stop. In 1940, loudspeakers were placed above the building and were used to broadcast the new campus radio station WLEO.The first time you ever set foot on the University’s main campus, you were probably awestruck by the overall beauty of it; behind all of this, however, the history of the campus remained a mystery to you, the answers lying in wait in the buildings that populate the campus. What did all of these buildings represent? Where did they come from? This article takes a look at several buildings currently and previously on campus and explores some of their origins and histories.

Campus News

Constitution Week Celebration

Two ambassadors from the Pasco County Supervisor of Election’s Office hosted an event, sponsored by Dr. Heather Parker and Mr. Francis Orlando, in which students and staff were encouraged to register to vote on the spot.
People must register to vote by midnight of Oct. 6 or have sent in a registration form postmarked by then in order to vote in the election. Voting is only permitted in the state of residence and prior to voting, and any change of address must be reported. Voters can report a change of address at the polls on the day they vote thanks to a new digital system. Registration is a once in a lifetime activity. Once you have registered to vote, you don’t have to register again unless you relocate to a different state.

Campus News

University President Reveals His Plans

Dr. Kirk became president in January 1997. While he has been in office, the campus has undergone dramatic changes. The student population more than doubled during his term; it expanded from approximately 7,400 students to 16,500. Meanwhile, the campus has had 11 new buildings added to its design, including the Donald R. Tapia School of Business.

Campus News

Student Government Union and Student Services Annual Awards

The Student Government Union and Student Services Annual Awards Banquet is an annual awards banquet to recognize outstanding individuals and organizations. This year the theme for the awards was “Green and Gold.” Participants were strongly encouraged to dress in green and cold attire. The ceremony took place on April 10, 2014, in the SCC Boardrooms. Faculty, staff, students, and families gathered for the celebration.

Campus News

A Quest for Flavor

On February 21 Saint Leo University took us to Spain Restaurant and Toma Bar the heart of downtown Tampa to celebrate February’s Food for thought event. However, the poor service and cuisine did not call for much of a celebration at all.

Campus News

Cheap Fun during Spring Break

Spring break is a week of memorable experiences: going out with friends, having together time with the family, or just relaxing for a week. Usually these types of fun come with a cost; however, it does not always have to be a pricey experience. There are many alternatives that people can take to enjoy their week while remaining on a budget or staying nearby. The Dade City and Tampa Bay area have many economical places people can go and have an enjoyable experience.

Campus News

Campus Love Story

It is amazing how someone can fall in love with the person he or she never even considered. This is the case of Ingrid Medina and Kevin Urbina who have been dating for more than a year. Neither thought that their friendship would turn into a beautiful and strong relationship.

Campus News

Community Service for Over a Decade

Have you ever thought about why we have Community Service Day or what it really is about? Community service has been a huge part of the SLU campus from the very beginning. When SLU first opened as a college in 1898, community service was required once a week by the students. As the student population grew and different priorities came about, community service changed to once a semester on a particular day. This occurred on a random Saturday each Fall and Spring semester, which meant students had to wake up early to serve the community at 8:00 in the morning. Many of the students loathed this, but they did it because it was required for certain classes or organizations. Ten years ago, a group of students taking a leadership class thought there was not enough participation on community service day, so they approached Paige Ramsey-Hamacher, the chair of the community service day program for the last ten years. They proposed the idea of changing community service day to the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, and the student population agreed this would be a better idea.

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