Browsing: Campus News

Campus News

Second Graders Visit Campus

On Nov. 7, the University community noticed a number of new faces as over 100 second graders paid the campus a visit. For several hours, the students from Woodland Elementary School were able to experience a taste of college life: a yearly tradition for all second through fifth graders who attend the elementary school.

Campus News

English Majors Unite: 2015 Sigma Tau Delta Convention Recap

Who says conventions have to be boring? Many people think a convention is just sitting at over-priced, fancy dinners, attending classes that might teach them something, and being forced to listen to a guest speaker who has nothing profound to say. Others think conventions are just for nerds dressed up in costumes. However, some conventions are both fun and educational.

Campus News The first floor of Saint Edward Hall entrance lobby.

The Future of Student Aid

Congress has begun discussing the 2016 fiscal year budget as of Monday 23, 2015. The plan, however, proposes the slashing of approximately $150 billion in student aid. The budget cut would take affect over a period of ten years and mainly effect Pell Grants and student loans.

Campus News

Just Over the Hills

Sometimes it can seem like Saint Leo, FL is in the middle of nowhere, especially since the scenery passed during a drive off campus consists of trees, trees and more trees. However, if we put all of the factors together everything is not all that far away.

Campus News

10 Ways to Stay Active on Campus

At times, it may seem impossible to find time to exercise in between rushing back and forth to classes, doing homework, and preparing a worthwhile meal. However, with just a little effort such a mission can be accomplished. Over the years many college students have let the weight of their textbooks weigh them down. Still the story doesn’t have to be the same for everyone. The infamous ‘freshman 15’ is not mandatory.

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