Browsing: Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture

In the Pit of the Stomach Review

I recently found myself listening to Scotland based indie rock band, We Were Promised Jetpacks’ new album In the Pit of the Stomach, released last month and honestly didn’t think too much of it.

Arts & Culture Book in library with old open textbook.

Library for Finals

As we all know, the library is always packed during finals time. Everyone is stressed, uptight and tense. Every little thing someone does can get to be trying.

Arts & Culture

Spreading the Cheer with Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child has one goal in mind when they are collecting items: the children who are going to receive the gifts that we have the ability to buy for them. Saint Leo is participating this year in ‘Operation Christmas Child’ (OCC) which is being sponsored by the Circle K club (a club that promotes volunteerism and helping the community and beyond).

Arts & Culture

Album Review: In the Grace of your Love

This riveting new album released by a New York based indie band, The Rapture, captivated me from the first time I heard it. The entrancing potpourri of guitar, bass, saxophone, and synthesizers all mix together in perfect harmony to give the listener a very unique auditory experience unlike many mainstream artists, it is perfect for anyone who wants to listen to something new and interesting.

Arts & Culture

Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Diego Rivera

In honor of Hispanic heritage month, we would like to give you a small touch upon Hispanic figures and their impacts in our nations history. The first spotlight this month is a famous Mexican painter, Diego Rivera. Rivera started studying art at a young age and even moved to Europe to improve his painting abilities, and engaged in the culture for nearly fourteen years. But it was not until he began to study the Renaissance period that Rivera found his true medium. Rivera continued to respond to the people’s appeal of Mexican history.

Arts & Culture

Economical Halloween Costume Concepts

Halloween is coming up hastily. On top of dressing out of your usual element on the actual holiday, there are parties that require you to do the same. Being a college student is expensive, and unfortunately, so are Halloween costumes. The good news is you do not need much money to put together attention-grabbing costumes. You probably have many of the items needed for the look you desire within your grasp. You might have to buy two or three signature pieces. Spending ten dollars while looking original is better than spending sixty dollars and bumping into someone wearing the same outfit.

Arts & Culture

The feminism in skinning a squirrel: Winter’s Bone.

In history, there have been several incidences of women assuming positions normally held by men when the men in the society were away or unable to perform their duties for any reason. While the men in 2010’s Oscar nominated film Winter’s Bone were physically present, they were too embedded in drug culture to act as a patriarchy would deem, and so the women stepped in to fulfill their roles, but none as effectively as the film’s heroine Ree.

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