Browsing: Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture

Interstellar: A Journey to New Worlds

The movie genre of science fiction has given us the famous classics like Star Wars and Star Trek. Director Christopher Nolan, takes a shot in this genre with his new movie titled, “Interstellar.”

Arts & Culture

Holidays around the World

Outside of the United States of America, there are many holidays that not widely recognized in this country. All holidays come with their own individual customs and traditions. Many of them celebrate specific age groups and spiritual leaders. The following holidays are some interesting yet little known holidays from around the world.

Arts & Culture

The Monsters That Crawl In the Night

With many mistaking the name for the X-Men character, “Nightcrawler,” directed by Dan Gilroy, still brings much to the cinema world. This movie is an American crime thriller that will have viewers sitting on the edge of their seats.

Arts & Culture

Big Hero 6: Disney’s Next Success

Disney uses its magic again in bringing another hit to theatres everywhere. “Big Hero 6,” directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams, is a wonderful new adventure that brings new well developed characters to audiences everywhere.

Arts & Culture

Make Your Thanksgiving Sides the Star

Thanksgiving Break is coming soon and you’re going home to visit your beloved family. Your mom is insisting that you bring a side dish with you to Thanksgiving dinner but with your college dorm expertise, roman noodles or Spaghettios may not cut it. Have no fear, you can create scrumptious side dishes the whole family will love without possessing many skills in the culinary arts. These three dishes are simple, inexpensive and delicious!

Arts & Culture

Cosplaying for a Lesser Amount

Cosplay is an interesting cultural phenomenon that has become increasingly prevalent over the past decade. For those who do not know, Cosplay is the act of dressing up as a fictional character for personal enjoyment. Many people are interested in this hobby, but are put off by its apparent expense. There are, however, numerous ways to make a budget Cosplay that still looks fantastic.

Arts & Culture

Welcome to the Maze: Maze Runner Review

The movie starts with a boy named Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) waking up in a metal cage. The cage lifts him into a grassy area, called the Glade, where he is greeted by a large group of boys who live there because they are trapped. Surrounding them is a deadly maze, filled with monsters called Grievers. Nobody except a select few called runners are allowed into the Maze for any reason. Life goes on in the Glade just fine until one of the boys tragically dies in the Maze. Alby (Aml Ameen), the group’s leader, goes into the Maze to find any sign of him, and he and Minho (Ki Hong Lee), the head runner, don’t make it back before nightfall. Just as the gate is about to close, Thomas runs in and soon discovers the horrors of the Maze firsthand.

Arts & Culture

The World’s Lost and Sometimes Found

Amelia Earhart, Roanoke Colony, Atlantis, and the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine among others share one thing in common: they are all lost in history. Well, two things in common really: they are popular discussion topics for conspiracy theorists. Some members of this list of missing parts of history have been found, while others remain lost in the sands of time.

Arts & Culture

About Last Night Review

On Valentine’s Day “About Last Night” hit the big screens. “About Last Night” is a romantic comedy starring Kevin Hart, Regina Hall, Micheal Ealy, and Joy Bryant.

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