Tech Changes in the Community Pt. 5 Keeping the University Engaged: EngageLeo


By: Jade Bastian

According to a release on Jan. 7, 2019, EngageLeo is an online platform recently launched, “That will serve as a one-stop resource for everything related to student activities.” Students can also check out Greek Life and other organizations, find contact information and upcoming events.

To access EngageLeo, students first sign in through the Okta portal. There, the icon for EngageLeo’s platform will be available in the dashboard along with other school-administered apps. Entering the app will take you directly to the homepage where you will find a search box that can be used to look for specific events, organizations and news articles. Additionally, there are tabs to choose from linking users to events, organizations, news or forms.

The Engageleo app is found on the dashboard of the Okta portal, where the sign in credentials are the same as all other applications. Credit: Jade Bastian

Additionally, looking around the page, there are options to find and possibly join organizations, discover and attend events happening at school or around the area and record and track your activities and involvement on campus. There is also an option on EngageLeo to download a unique QR code for quick access to campus events. Additional campus links can be found at the bottom of the page connecting you to the Academic Calendar, Athletics and the University’s main website.

Edson O’Neale, Director of Student Activities, said he, along with his team members Sonja Massa and Krystal Sanchez built the page from the ground up, with the help of their Engage consultant. He said, “it was intimidating at first, but once we started building it was pretty interesting to see everything unfold.” He then continued to state that, “all of our paper forms that we had has all been transitioned to EngageLeo; organizations can view their rosters and place all of their important documents on their page, you can view events and elections can be held through this platform.”

EngageLeo allows users to download a unique QR code that can be scanned at events allowing easy and fast registration. Credit: Jade Bastian

In the most recent Student Government Union Election, voting seemed to be a better experience than it has in the past. Expressing satisfaction with the results, Kyshonna Bethel, a junior and accounting major at University Campus, said, “The brief explanations of why the candidates ran for their positions and what they planned to do was helpful because I did not get to hear them during the candidate forum.”

 In the past, students received emails with a link that led to the voting polls and were only able to view videos of the candidates on The Lion’s Pride YouTube channel giving insight on each candidates’ platform.

 When asked about the previous method for voting in the elections, O’Neale said, “it was very [easy]voting through Engage Leo because it is connected to your Saint Leo Portal.  So, instead of giving all students their own username and password, students were able to log in through their portal and vote.”

O’Neale continued, “In total, there were 625 students that voted in the elections,” and the numbers are expected to rise as EngageLeo becomes more mainstream on University Campus.

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The Lions' Pride is a student-run news organization dedicated to sharing the voice of our Saint Leo community. Our mission is to uphold the Benedictine values, support First Amendment rights, and provide informative and thought-provoking journalism without fear of interference or reprisal.

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