By Maria Sanchez, Contributing Writer
Sophomore Angelica Molina is trying to make a difference in the world.
“People who need it the most, that’s where we want to make the biggest impact,” said Molina, who is majoring in global studies major.
Molina recently took on an extensive and exciting new project with Saint Leo’s University Ministry. She is the new director of Service Project Abroad, a new social service program looking to help countries facing difficult situations. The ministry wanted to form a separate group for social service, and they partnered with Cross Catholic to help other countries in need. However, the program is not limited to that organization.
Molina got involved with the program during the summer when she stayed on campus working at the Student Affairs office and taking summer classes. She was reading a world religions book for one class, and Dr. Jen Shaw, the vice president of student affairs, approached her and asked her about the book.
“I told her it was a world religions book for a world religions class, so she told me that the ministry was looking for a leader and that she would contact them with my reference, so that’s what she did,” Molina said.
Fr. Randall Meissen, the university chaplain, then contacted Angelica and told her that the ministry was willing to do a social service project if leaders were to direct the project. They already started a group of social services, and they have fifteen members already.
“I told him I was more than willing to lead the project, and now I am the director of international social service,” Molina said.
Molina, who is from Cali, Colombia, said that coming from a third-world country that has suffered a lot, she wants to give back to other countries that are not noticed as much, and she wants to make a positive impact anywhere in the world.
“Coming from a country that has been affected politically, socially, economically, and in every way possible, I have experienced what it is like to have needs. I know some countries need more help than others,” she said.
Molina believes students should join this program to help others, and she said it doesn’t matter their religion of faith. If someone if interested in joining they can contact her at or they can contact Fr. Meissen.