Saint Leo Cheer Competition


By Kari Sypniewski, Staff Writer 


Saint Leo Cheerleading has come a very long way from what it has been over the past few years.  Not only does the Saint Leo cheerleading squad attend every conference game for all sports teams, but they also practice up to three times a week and are in the fitness center working out and conditioning up to two times a week. This does not include when the cheerleaders go on their own time. Along with all these practices and conditioning, the members of the squad are preparing to compete in 2012. Yes, it is official. Saint Leo cheerleaders are going to compete this coming year, from March 31 to April 1 in Spirit Cheer’s: All American Nationals in the all girls’ non-tumbling division. This competition is a two day competition at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando, Florida involving many other competitive cheerleading teams.  

With the help of Adarius Payne, a Professional Choreographer from the all star gym Wildcats of Tampa, the team is on its way to having a successful cheerleading competition. The team is also holding a Cheer clinic for any girls or boys from elementary school to high school sometime in late January, early February. The team will also be holding many other fundraising events including a car wash. Sponsors and donations are very much appreciated.  Come out and support your Saint Leo Cheerleaders March 31 and April 1 at Peabody Hotel in Orlando.  

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