Psychology students get iNKED


By Cheralyn Barrington, Layout Editor

The Psychology department has just gained a valuable asset. A blog called iNKBLOT has recently been revealed. This blog provides a place for all Saint Leo University students including those who learn on campus, at various centers, and through the COL and DL programs to interact with one another and share information. This blog is not only for Psychology majors, but for anyone interested in connecting to other students through the interesting topics and valuable information the blog provides. The blog is updated on a daily basis and has recently included topics such as sexomnia, the benefits of exercise, the dangers of drinking Four Loko, and an altruism gene that can potentially be linked to willingness to donate to charity. This reporter interviewed Dr. Shannon Farris, a psychology professor at Saint Leo and the webmaster of iNKBLOT.

Cheralyn Barrington: What will this blog do for Saint Leo University psychology students and what are its most notable features?

Shannon Farris: iNKBLOT is a virtual place for all faculty and students at the Centers, University, DL and COL to connect with one another. iNKBLOT is an interactive, engaging blog for all students and faculty to discuss relevant topics in psychology, post announcements and activities, have faculty or student discussions, and to share information and resources with one another. You don’t have to be a psychology major to enjoy this blog. All that is required is to be excited and involved with Saint Leo University. Hopefully iNKBLOT is laying the groundwork for all psychology students to connect in ONE place, sharing information and engaging with one another through discussions. I think the blog will also challenge students too. Students from all of our campus, COL and DL will be logging on; thus, providing various views regarding life, identity, behavior, and, etc. This dynamic has the potential to create a very powerful and engaging blogosphere.

Dr. Shannon Farris, photo by Cherralyn Barrington

CB: Who came up with this idea?

SF: During our fall psychology retreat, Dr. Drave’s suggested a blog as one way to effectively connect with all Saint Leo faculty and students. After weeks of discussions, emails, and meetings Drs. Kieffer, Draves and I initiated iNKBLOT.

CB: Do you think this blog provides stepping stones for blogs in other departments?

SF: Perhaps other departments will be looking at iNKBLOT to see if this is something where they want to go. I think a blog for any department is worthy of a serious discussion. I hope that all departments are focused and determined in finding effective ways to connect all of the campuses and students in their departments. This blog was created for the students and faculty to engage, share, and extend that real connectedness that we get in the classroom. While iNKBLOT cannot replace the physical and emotional contact in the classroom, if we can get close to that, the blog will be successful. iNKBLOT also fosters an opportunity for faculty and students to become more savvy with some of the latest technology to prevent them from being left behind when they graduate and/or continue on in their career. These are large goals, but maybe iNKBLOT will chip away at these goals one blog at a time. We have a lot of talented people working with me on this and so far we’ve had tremendous support from the administration, faculty and students. This leads me to think that we’re headed in the right direction. I think this is another way that we continue to focus on the students and faculty as we would with our own family.

CB: Anything else you’d like Saint Leo students to know about this blog?

SF: It’s great to see and hear the support from the University Campus to connect with all of the Centers, DL and COL faculty and students. iNKBLOT is just one of many ways helping to promote that. We are truly one university, and all of us are a part of something much greater than ourselves.

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