By: Erika Morales, Contributing Writer
Art is a basic form of a creative outlet for students. Now that COVID-19 has caused students to take extra precautions now more than ever, students are encouraged to incorporate art in different ways into their life.
This semester has been rough for new incoming students. Many if not all clubs had to make changes due to COVID-19. Their meeting and activities have drastically changed. Clubs that are usually held in person are now being held via Zoom.
The cheerleaders, for example, needed to take extra precautions during their dance routine on campus. As seen on GoldRush Dance Instagram page on September 23, 2020, the cheerleaders were six feet apart and were wearing masks during their performance. They were able to keep safe while at the same time performing for the students on campus.

The GoldRush cheerleaders are proud to perform at the “CAB and Coffee” event and are looking forward to performing again next month. (Photo Credit: GoldRush Dance @goldrush_saintleo)
The theatre program is also keeping their students in mind during these hard times. The program is doing a podcast called The All Call Podcast. Not only does the theatre program provide a podcast it is also providing the Apology Station. The Apology Station is an interactive experience available online through video conferencing.
Brooke Morgan, a Freshman majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Theatre said, “The theatre program is being very safe. They are using creative ways to encourage students to stay active in theatre.”
Tamar Mennell a Junior who is majoring in Social work with a minor in Psychology has given more insight of her thoughts on how the Lead Scholars club is taking extra precautions this semester.

The GoldRush cheerleaders are proud to perform at the “CAB and Coffee” event and are looking forward to performing again next month. (Photo Credit: GoldRush Dance @goldrush_saintleo)
“The activates and meeting for Lead Scholars have changed tremendously,” said Mennell.
Mennell explained that activities and meetings are now being held, via Zoom. She spoke about a trip that the Lead Scholars take every year.
“Every year we partake in a two-day retreat off-campus at a camping ground where we stayed in caving, roast marshmallow, made s’ mores, and took hikes to the lake to connect and establish new relationships. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the retreat this year was all different and located on Zoom. Even though we were on Zoom for eight hours, we were still able to connect and establish relationships. I like that there were still good vibes and I was able to make connections without actually seeing them in person,” Mennell said.

The Saint Leo student body is coming up with new ideas to incorporate art and help students form connections throughout this seamster. (Photo Credit: Saint Leo University Student Government Union @saintleosgu)
Students have to network to get into clubs. It’s all about communication and dedication,” said Mennell.
Mennell provided more information on clubs at Saint Leo University.
“Most clubs have an open-door policy so, that means Black Student Union, Caribbean Student Association, and E-Sports Club,” Mennell said.
Mennell encourages students to join Lead Scholars, specifically.
“To join lead scholars, you have to apply at the beginning of the Fall semester due to the club incorporating a $500 scholarship,” stated Mennell.
She believes that if a student wants to join a club, it is important that students benefit from joining the club.
“Find the best clubs that help you be the best person you want to be and a way for you to get out of your room and explore college life,” said Mennell.