For the past two meetings, the Senate has been dedicated to replacing the senators who resigned last semester. The senators who resigned were Kelly Ambrosi, Ashley Berrio, Keishawn Mendez (the chair of the freshman committee), and Maggie Sroka. Out of the 8 potential candidates suggested by the Judicial Committee, the 4 selected were Christopher Feliciano, Quiwanaki Ramsey, Amanda Luce, and Vincent Toner.
Christopher Feliciano is a first-year Social Work major from New Jersey. Outside of Senate, Feliciano is involved in the Traditions committee on the Campus Activity Board, along with First Year Experience. He really wants to get involved with the Environmental Committee.

Christopher Feliciano
Credit: Phillip Waitkevich
“I wanted to become a senator to make sure that my class has the voice they need…and that means other freshman senators make sure that the freshman class enjoys their four years at Saint Leo,” said Feliciano.
Feliciano has been elected the new chair of the freshman committee and has already begun work on the class events.
“Get ready [Freshmen,] because we have a lot of stuff planned,” said Feliciano.
Quiwanaki “Q” Ramsey is a second-year Political Science major from Jacksonville, Florida. He has previously held leadership roles in the YMCA Youth and Government, which is a YMCA program that helps kids propose and lobby for bills in the state government. Ramsey is currently involved in the Pi Sigma Alpha Honors Society and the Debate Club. He is a returning senator.

Quiwanaki “Q” Ramsey
Credit: Phillip Waitkevich
“I was very happy when I got the opportunity to come back [to the Senate]because I love Senate and…the role it plays in the community as a whole,” said Ramsey.
Ramsey plans to continue his work with the Judicial Committee on improving the SGU constitution and bylaws. He was the chair of the committee last year.
“I can’t wait to get back to work,” Ramsey said.
Amanda Luce is a Senior and Math major with an Economics minor and is also part of the Honors program. She is a returning senator who has already been a chair or member of several committees. In fact, she has already become involved with the Research and Marketing Committee.

Amanda Luce
Credit: Phillip Waitkevich
“I like serving as a Senator [because it allows me]to stay involved on campus and [to]help shape Saint Leo to be a better place for student life,” wrote Luce.
Vincent Toner is a third-year Theatre Major from New York. He currently commutes from Tampa. Toner is actively involved in the Theatre program and has recently become a student ambassador. He wants to get involved with the Activities Committee or the Research and Marketing Committee.

Vincent Toner
Credit: Phillip Waitkevich
“I really wanted to get involved with a lot of what the campus had to offer,” said Toner.
Toner hopes that he can serve as a voice for the Saint Leo community as a whole. He advises everyone to get involved on campus so that they can get a sense of inclusion and purpose.
The committees were also very busy during these past two meetings.
The Research and Marketing Committee proposed a Senate Week, where each weekday a committee would present itself to the student body, saying what it does and what specifically it can help people with. They are also trying to re-establish communication with Career Services because the person they were working with on getting more jobs to Handshake left the school. They are also trying to get the new Vice President of Student Affairs, Jen Shaw, involved with this project.
The Appropriations Committee, allocated funding for two organizations to go to a conference.
The Activities Committee proposed a Valentine’s day event and a Field/Water day.
The Judicial Committee proposed and passed an amendment that gave the VPCM more responsibilities over clubs. The VPCM is now responsible for the recording, management, and communication of club standings.
The Freshman Committee began selling tickets for the Freshman class trip to Top Golf. The trip will be on Feb. 10th and costs $15 per ticket. It is a freshmen-only event.
The Sophomore Committee is finalizing the scholarship opportunity for Sophomores. It also plans to have a pool party with a D.J. and food trucks on Mar. 30th.
The Junior Committee plans on having a dinner cruise as their class trip.
The Lion’s Pride Media Group will be live streaming the SGU Executive Board candidates’ panel on Feb. 4th. This panel will be an opportunity for students to ask questions and meet the people running for next year’s executive board. So, stay tuned.