By Isa Riano, Advertisement Manager
Every year, various colleges at Saint Leo University work to improve. This academic year, the College of Arts and Sciences’ goal is to introduce new majors and minors to students. Continue reading to find out what these new programs have to offer.
International studies is a new major that can also be pursued as a minor. The College of Arts and Sciences offers this degree.
Working on bringing this major to campus, according to Dr. Daniel DuBois, assistant professor of history, was a learning experience.
“Not everything I originally envisioned or desired ended up becoming part of the program, but what I had to cut out or rethink was thanks to the great advice I received from students, faculty, staff, and administrators,” said DuBois.
This major is ideal for students who want to learn about other countries and make a difference in the international community.
“The goal of the international studies major and minor is to provide exciting learning opportunities and rigorous career preparation for students who care about global events and want to make a difference in government, law, nonprofits, academia, and the private sector,” said DuBois.

Religious studies is another new major and minor in the College of Arts and Sciences available to students.
After the religion major was discontinued at Saint Leo, faculty wanted to introduce this major to take its place.
“The hope is that students who are interested in religion or theology, particularly in conversation with other disciplines, will have the opportunity to explore that,” said Dr. Stephen Okey, an associate professor of religion at Saint Leo.
According to Okey, the most difficult aspect of introducing new majors is trying to spread the word about them and motivate students to join.
“Working on course development and determining what is most important for students to learn has been a lot of fun,” Okey said.

Students have expressed gratitude for all the physical and technological resources that are available for them to learn (Photo by Isa Riano)
Some new majors have not yet been introduced, but faculty from various departments are working hard to bring them to campus next semester. Music is one of these majors, and it is already available as a minor in the College of Arts and Sciences.
“The new bachelor’s in music is due to be launched next year,” said Dr. Cynthia Selph, assistant professor of music.
Selph is overjoyed that this major is coming to campus, as Saint Leo is a liberal arts institution.
“I am particularly pleased that the new bachelor’s in music will prepare students for rewarding careers in music education, performing arts, or commercial music,” said Selph.
Working on this major has required some time and dedication with qualified musicians who are eager to guide students pursuing a degree in music.
“We have created a curriculum that is both rigorous and practical, allowing students to select courses that are directly related to their chosen career path,” Selph said.
Interdisciplinary studies is another major that will be available on campus soon.
“We do not have a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary studies yet,” said Dr. Karen Hannel, chair of the department of interdisciplinary studies.
The goal of this major is for students to be able to study various fields of interest.
“Our programs are very versatile,” Hannel said.

Lions can look forward to new learning opportunities on campus with all of the new majors and minors that have been introduced, as well as those that will be introduced in the future.