By Alora Peters, Editor-in-Chief
While the average person off the street might not group the topics of multimedia, archangels, and evangelization into one conversation, a new initiative by the Diocese of Saint Petersburg is doing exactly that.
This year, Bishop Gregory Parkes designated Sunday, September 25, as the first annual Diocesan Media Day in order to raise awareness about the media ministries offered by the Diocese of Saint Petersburg. Diocesan Media Day corresponds with the Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, which is celebrated annually on September 29.
“The word angel means ‘messenger,’ and angels are known for delivering messages from God to his people,” wrote Parkes in a letter to local parishes. “That’s why St. Gabriel the Archangel is the patron of Catholic communicators and broadcasters.”
Two of the multimedia ministries that the Diocese is highlighting are the Gulf Coast Catholic weekly newsletter and the Spirit FM 90.5 radio station.
Saint Leo University ’21 alumnus Geovanny Hillis currently works as a Digital Content Producer for Spirit FM, where he helps to edit content to be broadcasted on air and to manage the station’s social media accounts and website.
For Hillis, evangelization through digital media is a part of his daily routine at Spirit FM.
“Spirit FM’s mission is to share the love of Christ and the beauty of the Catholic Faith,” Hillis said. “Our [diocesan]media ministries do this by sharing uplifting content that helps people to deepen their personal relationships with Christ, learn about the Catholic faith, and share the faith with others.”
In addition to playing popular Christian music, Spirit FM also broadcasts Daily Mass, prayer, and spotlights of local ministries on the radio. The station’s social media content includes daily inspirational quotes from saints and Scripture, and the station’s website includes information about local Christian events, catechetical resources, and a place to submit prayer requests.
As a content creator, Hillis is able to witness Spirit FM’s positive influence firsthand.
“Since I started working here, I’ve seen how our ministry has a very real impact in the lives of people in the Tampa Bay area,” said Hillis. “[This] became most clear to me during our recent Hopesgiving fundraiser back in August, when I spoke with many of our listeners. They told me how Spirit FM helped bring them through difficult times in their life, such as the death of a spouse or child.”
Hillis wants to encourage others who are interested in digital communications to consider working in diocesan media.
“By working in diocesan media, you have the opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives, all while deepening your own relationship with Jesus,” he said. “As members of a tech-savvy generation, we can use our talents to help the Church in its mission to bring souls to Christ.”
Hillis has been involved professionally in Catholic media and communications since 2020, when he started interning at his home parish. He recommends that those who are interested in evangelization through multimedia start out by simply volunteering to help with media and communication at their local parish.
“Interning at a parish will help you become more familiar with what it’s like to work in the Church, while at the same time helping you form valuable connections with people who can assist you in your job search,” said Hillis.
Those who are interested in supporting or in learning more about the diocesan media initiatives should check out Gulf Coast Catholic’s website at or should tune in to Spirit FM on channel 90.5 FM or via the web at