Photo and Video Credit: Ilouisa Salazar & Wakens Leonard
Name: Kristina Niccolls
Major: Economics, Marketing Minor
Class standing: Junior
SGU position you applied for: Vice President Of Finance
What experience do you have which makes you qualified for the position you’re running for and a better choice than your opponent(s)?
I have served on Senate and was Co-Chair, or second in charge, of the appropriations board, so I know how the position works. One of my mentors on campus held the position two years ago, and I learned from her what it takes to be successful in this position- hard work, dedication, and extensive knowledge and experience. I have worked in the finance and banking industries since my senior year of high school, and I aim to put my knowledge to use on behalf of the student body. I will be going into my senior year, and have been involved with Saint Leo since my freshman year. I am committed to excelling in this position on behalf of the student body.
Why do you want this position and what/who inspired or motivated you to run?
My mentor had this position two years ago, and I saw the impact she was able to have on the community. Serving on the Appropriations Board, I was able to first-hand witness the opportunities the budget for VPF is able to provide to students. I want students to feel empowered to use the resources made available to them through the Student Government Budget, and I will be there to help them every step of the way.
What do you hope to accomplish and how do you plan to accomplish these goals in your position?
My first goal will be to make sure all clubs and organizations have a clear knowledge of what Appropriations can do for them. I want each club and organization to use the set funding for them each semester in its entirety. I know that the students are doing great things on campus, and I want them to continue to go above and beyond with the help of this budget. I will accomplish this by sending reminder emails to each president at the start of each semester and being available for any and all questions. I will also personally reach out and personally speak with as many clubs as possible so that they know who I am and who to come to if they have any issues with appropriations.
What would your first action in office be, if you are elected?
My first action in office would be to thank the students that elected me, and then get to work on helping financially empower clubs and organizations.