Author The Lions' Pride Newspaper

The Lions' Pride is a student-run news organization dedicated to sharing the voice of our Saint Leo community. Our mission is to uphold the Benedictine values, support First Amendment rights, and provide informative and thought-provoking journalism without fear of interference or reprisal.

World News

Why Are Apps so Popular?

The rise of the smart phone gave birth to the ever growing and evolving applications market. With the introduction of the App Store eight years ago, there has been a steady increase in the number apps available for download each year, reaching 1,000,000 applications as of October 2013 with 475,000 being unique to Apple.


The Types of Exams You Will Take in College.

Want to know how to spot an exam-taking student? Here’s a tip: go to the student union or local coffeehouse, find the darkest corner surrounded by the most empty cups and bags of chips, and look for the person in sweatpants and flip flops who may or may not be crying. Exams are one of the hardest parts of college because there are just so many of them. Here are a few of the standard tests you might happen upon in your college years:

Arts & Culture

A Review of Catching Fire

“Catching Fire,” the long-awaited sequel to “The Hunger Games,” astounded audiences with intense action scenes and fantastic costume designs.


Men’s Cross Country Places 26th at Nationals

After an exhilarating race at the regional competition, the Men’s Cross Country team earned their tickets to the NCAA National Championships in Spokane, Washington. They were a top team in the Sunshine State Conference as well as in the entire southern region for Division II athletics. These fierce runners had two weeks to critically train and mentally prepare themselves for the frigid mountainous territory they were about to enter. For two weeks, they ran, rested and worked out to make sure this flight was worth fighting for. On Thursday morning, the Lions packed their bags and embarked on this journey that they earned through a tough and outstanding season.

Arts & Culture

Dancing for the Mirror Ball Trophy

On Monday night each couple danced two performances: one of which was chosen by the judges from any dance each couple had previously performed, and the other performance was in a style of their choice, otherwise called “the freestyle.”

World News

Far Cry 4: The Himalayan’s Never Looked So Good

2012’s “Far Cry 3” was a big hit as its world was immersive and the villain and story were phenomenal. Ubisoft’s newest addition to the Far Cry series, “Far Cry 4” does the same as the last. It has memorable characters and a great environment where players will spend hours trying to find the secrets hidden within it.


Things you still have time to do

Late November is about the time when professors start sounding off about how the semester is nearly over. Students are usually too buried in projects and work to realize how quickly the semester is winding down. Then students start to panic because, as most college students quickly realize, the awesomeness of these four years is matched only by how quickly it all goes by. But fear not. You may only have two weeks left to take advantage of the fall semester before you return in January to the barren wasteland known as Winter, but that’s more than enough time make it count. You still have plenty of time for:

Campus News

Surviving Finals Week

It is coming to the end of the semester where stress begins to fill the air as students await to take their finals. These finals mark the final grade students receive to either help or worsen their class average in hopes for the highest possible grade. However, students should realize that finals week is not the end of the world so do not panic. Yes, it is important to study and take time to relearn older material previously covered in their courses, but it is just a test. People put emphasis on the word final, making other stress the idea that it is still just a test.

World News

Strange Florida Laws that are Still in Effect Today

Florida is a strange land filled many of the country’s retirees in combination with several different cultures, a healthy set of annual snowbirds, and oddities such as several nudist resorts, the inability to choose a presidential candidate, and the confusing monstrosity that is The Everglades.

World News

Can you be Pro-Life, and also take one?

Okey’s presentation struck chords as he explained the ins and outs of war in what he called “Just War Criteria.” His presentation was a list of rules to be followed by all soldiers — whether going into war, fighting a war, ending a war, or Jus Ad Bellum, Jus in Bello, and Just Post Bello.

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