Author The Lions' Pride Newspaper

The Lions' Pride is a student-run news organization dedicated to sharing the voice of our Saint Leo community. Our mission is to uphold the Benedictine values, support First Amendment rights, and provide informative and thought-provoking journalism without fear of interference or reprisal.

World News

Amendment 2: Voting on Medical Marijuana

The amendment, if passed, will allow for the use of medical marijuana for “individuals with debilitating diseases” as determined by licensed Florida physicians. It is important to notice that it does not authorize the use, possession or production of recreational marijuana. Centers that produce and distribute medical marijuana will be registered and regulated by the Department of Health, who will give identification cards to eligible patients and caregivers.

World News

Fall Beauty and Fragrances

Bright colors have been washed away with the summer’s rain, and now that we are in fall it’s time to change up your makeup routine and as well as your choice of fragrances. Put your bright pinks and pastel colors in the drawer and bring out all your rich, dark shadows and lipsticks.


Hit By Love – Dee Dee Cooper

Have you ever been abused in a relationship, whether it was physical or verbal? If so, you are one of 32 million people who are abused every day. Before you go to bed tonight, 3 women will be murdered. 22 percent of college students are affected by abuse. It can happened to anyone; all demographics, all social statuses, and all races. Dee Dee Cooper, a speaker who visited Saint Leo University on Sept. 29, is a lucky survivor of domestic abuse who will be sharing her story to different colleges to help raise awareness.

Campus News

Constitution Week Celebration

Two ambassadors from the Pasco County Supervisor of Election’s Office hosted an event, sponsored by Dr. Heather Parker and Mr. Francis Orlando, in which students and staff were encouraged to register to vote on the spot.
People must register to vote by midnight of Oct. 6 or have sent in a registration form postmarked by then in order to vote in the election. Voting is only permitted in the state of residence and prior to voting, and any change of address must be reported. Voters can report a change of address at the polls on the day they vote thanks to a new digital system. Registration is a once in a lifetime activity. Once you have registered to vote, you don’t have to register again unless you relocate to a different state.

Arts & Culture

Welcome to the Maze: Maze Runner Review

The movie starts with a boy named Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) waking up in a metal cage. The cage lifts him into a grassy area, called the Glade, where he is greeted by a large group of boys who live there because they are trapped. Surrounding them is a deadly maze, filled with monsters called Grievers. Nobody except a select few called runners are allowed into the Maze for any reason. Life goes on in the Glade just fine until one of the boys tragically dies in the Maze. Alby (Aml Ameen), the group’s leader, goes into the Maze to find any sign of him, and he and Minho (Ki Hong Lee), the head runner, don’t make it back before nightfall. Just as the gate is about to close, Thomas runs in and soon discovers the horrors of the Maze firsthand.


CVS Halts the Sales of All Tobacco Products

In a continued effort to transform from simply a drug and convenient store to a legitimate health care provider, CVS has completely discontinued the sales of all tobacco products. This decision was made about seven months ago with October in mind as the goal date of the cessation; however, CVS has decided to begin taking tobacco products off of their shelves now, about a month earlier than planned.

World News

Medieval Times: Brutally Unforgiving

We dare not dwell on the past because we are taught that it’s the future that matters. However, extreme armaments of the past, such as weapons that were used by knights, are increasingly interesting to those who begin to learn about them. The weapons that are associated with this extremely violent time are often looked at with profound shock as they look like they were used for torture. These possible torture weapons have long been locked up for safe keeping and rightfully so.

World News

Earth takes a meteor shower

Keep your eyes on the skies! On October 21st, the earth will have the perfect opportunity to view the Orionid meteor shower. Meteor showers come from comets which burn up and fall apart as they approach the sun, sending tiny particles into space. When earth passes through the debris of the comet, the particles burn up in the atmosphere to produce the brightly colored streaks of light we call shooting stars.

World News

The Beginning of Destiny

The upcoming Sept. 9 release for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS3, is the hyped game “Destiny.” This game is made by the creators of Halo and Bungie, and the publishers of Call of Duty and Activision.

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