Author The Lions' Pride Newspaper

The Lions' Pride is a student-run news organization dedicated to sharing the voice of our Saint Leo community. Our mission is to uphold the Benedictine values, support First Amendment rights, and provide informative and thought-provoking journalism without fear of interference or reprisal.

Campus News

Human Trafficking

The Saint Leo Colony of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Incorporated will be hosting their very first Human Trafficking Educational, which is a campus wide event that will bring awareness to this hidden crime that is happening around us every day “I’m Not For Sale”: Human Trafficking Educational was hosted with The SLU International Justice Mission. Human Trafficking Awareness is one of the sorority’s colony philanthropies. The sorority’s focus was to educate their peers on the facts and statistics on this form of “modern day slavery”. Most people think human trafficking does not exist and that it is not a problem but hundreds to thousands of women, boys and girls are being trafficked this very second.

Arts & Culture

The Chemistry Behind Love and Attraction

Love is a subject that has fascinated people for ages and gives pop culture the juice it needs to keep the public interested: a children’s movie depicting a princess falling for a prince she’d met just five minutes prior, a generic romantic comedy involving a standard meet cute, and the sixth wedding of a reality TV celebrity are all cultural events that make members of the public enamored with the idea of love. Even in the private sphere, the idea of love has its hold on people on a daily basis. Whether it involves daydreaming about frolicking in the meadows with a coworker, having the occasional evening away from the children with a spouse, or simply admiring an attractive person in a bar, love, lust and attraction are standards of human behavior. Many have come up with explanations for the existence of love over the years, which can range anywhere from “it was destiny” to “this person seemed to be agreeable”; however, many do not consider the physiological reasons for which people fall for one another. Actually, the initial reasons for attraction have nothing to do with finding “soul mates” at all. In reality, they are nothing more than the subconscious attempting to fulfill the biological urge to reproduce. Romantic, isn’t it?

World News

End of era for the iPod

Apple has dominated the technology market, with their products such as the iPhone, MacBook and iPad continuously being publicized and not to mention their sleek designs; it is no wonder people can’t get enough. It is virtually impossible to be somewhere and not find someone in possession of an Apple product. Even on campus, a wide array of students can be seen at the Lion’s Lair or the Library tyoing away on their Macs, or casually socializing on their iPads or iPhones. But with all this emphasis, on the newer products, it is fair to say that no one has noticed the decreasing popularity of one of the products, which quintessentially defines Apple, the iPod.

Campus News

Review of Resources for Deaf Students: ASL Interpreters and CART Services

Being a deaf student in college can be challenging, but it is not impossible. If deaf students work hard and seek hearing assistance, they can reach their goals. There are two main resources for students that need assistance hearing their instructors and classmates. They can enlist the help of ASL Interpreters (American Sign Language Interpreters) and CART Services (Communication Access Real-Time Translation Services). Both resources have different ways of helping a deaf individual.


Meatless Eats: The Burger

Whether you are a newly-converted vegetarian or just someone who is trying to cut down on the consumption of red meat, a craving for a burger can be difficult to satisfy. Fortunately, there are some quality vegetarian burger recipes within reach.

Campus News

Martin Luther King

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the University hosted a fair on Oct. 20 to commemorate Dr. King’s impact on history.

Campus News

How to Stay Fit in 2014

Freshman fifteen is not just for freshman. Pressures from class, studying, homework, social life, and jobs challenge almost every college student. These issues become even more pressing when a college student realizes that they are expected to balance all aspects of their life on their own. With all these problems, it’s easy for a college student to begin to neglect and sacrifice the most important piece of the puzzle, the fuel of life, food.

Campus News

How to Survive Finals

Finals are almost here and unfortunately some of us are just realizing that throughout the semester we really didn’t learn much. Luckily, over the years I have found a few techniques that make taking final exams more bearable.

World News

Why Are Apps so Popular?

The rise of the smart phone gave birth to the ever growing and evolving applications market. With the introduction of the App Store eight years ago, there has been a steady increase in the number apps available for download each year, reaching 1,000,000 applications as of October 2013 with 475,000 being unique to Apple.


The Types of Exams You Will Take in College.

Want to know how to spot an exam-taking student? Here’s a tip: go to the student union or local coffeehouse, find the darkest corner surrounded by the most empty cups and bags of chips, and look for the person in sweatpants and flip flops who may or may not be crying. Exams are one of the hardest parts of college because there are just so many of them. Here are a few of the standard tests you might happen upon in your college years:

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