Monthly Archives: October, 2021


Why Jon Gruden Stepped Down as the Raiders Coach

The sports industry in America attracts all kinds of people to watch and/or participate in sporting events. Unfortunately, this can include fans, players, and coaches that don’t always believe in demonstrating respect on and off the field.

World News

National Novel Writing Month

National Novel Writing Month (also shortened as NaNoWriMo) is an annual event held every November that challenges participants to write a 50,000-word novel. Dr. Patrick Crerand, a professor of creative writing, had words of encouragement for any students interested in participating.

Arts & Culture

Celebrating Halloween Around the World

Most of Halloween traditions can be traced back to Gaelic roots from Ireland. The holiday originates from ancient Celtic harvest festivals, more specifically known as Samhain. Samhain represented the end of the fall harvest season, and the beginning of the darker half of the year, also known as winter.

Arts & Culture

Black Friday: How a Shopping Day Can Cause Chaos

Black Friday is an event that has caught the attention of many Americans due to its low prices, retail profits, and the chaos it creates. This holiday comes right between the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons and is known for its title, which has a unique origin.

World News

College Students and the World of Tech Gadgets

Gone are the days of paper and pen notetaking as more college students opt for computers and new tech gadgets to enhance their learning experience. Saint Leo University students rely on these technologies to complete assignments, take notes, and chat with their friends.

World News

Merck’s Antiviral Pill: Molnopiravir

Molnopiravir is an orally administered antiviral medication that has proven to reduce the risk of hospitalization and/or deaths by 50 percent in a planned interim analysis according to the official website

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