Athletes on Air: Grant Disken – Men’s Basketball Point Guard
Grant Disken—hailing from Kentucky, majoring in marketing, and graduating in 2024, has been playing basketball since he was four years old and is enjoying every second of it.
Grant Disken—hailing from Kentucky, majoring in marketing, and graduating in 2024, has been playing basketball since he was four years old and is enjoying every second of it.
“Students can expect more of us now that there will be no masks or social distancing… there will be more events with a larger number of people attending.”
An unyielding job hunt teaches you what’s important to you in your work life, personal life, employer, financial needs, and overall life satisfaction. I earned these lessons with months of applications, calls, interviews, rejections, and offers; I hope that by sharing these takeaways with you, you might be able to better guide your own job search and get a head start in thinking about what truly makes a job a good fit.
While starting college is a new and exciting experience for incoming students, it is natural for them to be concerned about challenging classes, costs, time management, living away from home, meeting new people, and living in a different lifestyle in general. With all of the normal anxiety that incoming freshmen experience, it is natural for them to wonder how they can make the most of their college experience.
Living in a college dorm can be a thrilling experience for students. Having your own space or sharing one with a roommate all while being close to everything on campus sounds fantastic. Many incoming students, however, struggle to answer one question: “How should I decorate my college dorm?”
For incoming students, one of my recommendations is to understand the true scale of Saint Leo University’s Main Campus by taking time to walk around the area to better navigate the campus in the future.
One of the perks of attending a culturally diverse university like Saint Leo University is that you never feel completely alone. The international student population makes up 22 percent of the university campus, with students hailing from over 100 countries.
Although we all have been stuck with a horrible professor at some point in time, most of us have also encountered good professors—those professors who go above and beyond, effectively teach the material, and are open to change.
What makes a good student? It’s not just good attendance, on-time work, and polite behavior. When you think about it, these are really just the expected basics—the makings of a good student go beyond that.
On May 21, the Diocese of St. Petersburg will witness the ordination of two men to the Catholic priesthood—including, notably, Saint Leo University alumnus Zachary “Zach” Brasseur, who graduated from Saint Leo in 2015 with a bachelor’s degree in history and a minor in theology.