Vice President of Finance: De’Joun Redden


Photo and Video Credit: Ilouisa Salazar & Wakens Leonard

Name: De’Joun Redden

Major: 3+1 Business Management

Class standing: Freshman

SGU position you applied for: Vice President of Finance

What experience do you have which makes you qualified for the position you’re running for and a better choice than your opponent(s)?

I am currently a member of the appropriations board of SGU, so I understand how the budget for SGU works, and its different branches. I also understand how appropriations work for events, charities, organizations, and clubs with regards to allocating money from the budget.

Why do you want this position and what/who inspired or motivated you to run?

I want this position in order to budget and allocate the money of Saint Leo in the most efficient way possible. I was motivated/inspired to run by Derick McIntosh and Joe Thompson.

What do you hope to accomplish and how do you plan to accomplish these goals in your position? 

To continue to uphold the legacy of the position by wisely separating and utilizing the budget to make Saint Leo a better experience as a whole for the students and faculty alike. As well as to be as efficient and as organized as possible.

What would your first action in office be, if you are elected?

Shadow the current VPF, and learn the ins and outs of the position.

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